Create + Live your Ideal Workweek
Do you ever...
Get to the end of your work day and wonder, "What the heck have I done all day?"
Wish you had more time for family, friends, self-care and travel
Want practical tips (from someone who's done it) that help you to work more efficiently, focus more effectively and get more done in less time
Feel guilty when you're not working even if you really need a break
Feel guilty when you are working because you're not with your family or aren't keeping up with stuff around the house
Dream of working fewer hours but have no idea how to make that happen
Fear that if you did work fewer hours you wouldn't make enough money
Feel like the only way to be successful is to hustle and push, but deep down believe there's a better way (if only you had a step-by-step plan for it!)
Wish you had clear framework + actionable strategies that would enable you to work less, make more (more money, more impact, and more time for things you love) and ultimately live better?!...
Then The 3-Day Workweek Program is for you!
This program contains 5 streamlined lessons that will teach you exactly what you need to know to...
1. Understand the Framework for working LESS and making MORE
2. Define your Ideal Lifestyle and create your Model Calendar
3. Make the Incremental Upgrades necessary to begin living that lifestyle now
4. Clear any Mindset Blocks that are standing in the way of the success that you desire
5. Get empowered with the right Tools and Step-by-Step Processes to become more efficient and productive
6. Develop the Habits and Consistency necessary for sustainable, feel-good success!
7. And, ultimately, work LESS, make MORE and live BETTER!
Registration is now closed.
Want to be the first to know when the next round of 3-Day Workweek opens up? Sign up for the waitlist using the form below!
My Story...
Hi there!
I'm Cailen Ascher. I'm a business coach, mom to 2 adorable daughters, wife and creator of 3-Day Workweek.
After the birth of my first daughter 3 years ago, I started working just 3-days a week so that I could spend more time with her. And, something really interesting happened...my business took off!
When I moved from a standard 40 hour workweek to a 3-day workweek, I had my first 5-figure month, my first 6-figure year and my community grew to over 7,000 women!
I realize now that the "secret" was that I valued my TIME over everything else, and when I made that shift, I focused my energy, creativity and efforts in a powerful way that enabled me to hit milestones that previously felt totally out of reach.
I 100% believe that when you define your Ideal Lifestyle and when you have a Framework that provides you with feel-good boundaries around both your personal and professional time, magical things can happen. They did for me, and they can for you, too.
Welcome to 3-Day Workweek!
With love,
3-Day Workweek Lessons
these 5 lessons will roll-out weekly starting January 29th, 2018.
Lesson 1 - Awareness
Complete your Time Inventory
Uncover your favorite ways to "waste time"
Gain access to 10 Time Tools
Learn how to plant "Money Seeds"
Ultimate Objective: Get totally clear on how, where and on what you're spending your time
lesson 2 - Lifestyle
Define your Ideal Lifestyle
Make 5 Incremental Upgrades to get in alignment with what you desire
Learn the 3-Day Workweek Framework
Apply scheduling Ninja moves like time blocking, A/B weeks and outsourcing
Develop your Model Calendar
Recognize Ideal Time vs. Real Time
Ultimate Objective: Create your ideal Model Calendar using the 3-Day Workweek Framework
Lesson 3 - Mindset
Start LIVING into your Ideal Lifestyle
Learn the top secrets of 6 extremely successful women who work less than 25 hours/week and make over 6-figures
Tackle any resistance that's keeping you from working LESS and making MORE
Ultimate Objective: Remove any blocks that are keeping you from successfully living your Ideal Lifestyle
Lesson 4 - habits
Define your top 5 Feel-Good Goals
Map out your Feel-Good Goals on your 6 month calendar
Learn 13 essential Productivity Habits
Get an up-close look at a Day in My Life so you can see how I put all these concepts to work for me
Ultimate Objective: Reverse engineer your Feel-Good Goals so you have a clear plan for the next 6 months
lesson 5 - Consistency
The #1 way to achieve success on your terms
How to stay consistent with your commitment to working LESS and making MORE
How to stop being a struggling entrepreneur and step into the role of CEO
When to review your Model Calendar + how to recalibrate
Ultimate Objective: Set yourself up for long-term success!
Plus these Bonuses
Time Self-Talk Checklist to uncover if your relationship with time needs healing
25 Time Abundance Mantras to help you feel totally at ease with exactly where you are right now in life + business (so you can prepare for mega-expansion!)
Time Abundance Meditation to recalibrate your relationship with time
LIFETIME ACCESS so you can revisit the program any time you're ready to make a lifestyle upgrade!
Each 3DWW Lesson Includes...
On-Demand Audio Training
Cailen walks you step-by-step through each lesson so that you can get the absolute most out of the content and know exactly what action to take
LIVE Group Coaching Calls*
There will be 4 live group coaching calls so that you can get personalized feedback from Cailen, ask questions and receive all the support and guidance you need to succeed (*This is ONLY being offered during the November 2017 pilot round of 3DWW)
WorksheetS + Templates
No homework for the sake of homework, but when inspired action needs to be taken, you'll receive clear, practical steps to implement that week's lesson. Cailen will also be sharing fillable templates that help you easily apply the 3-Day Workweek Framework to whatever ideal schedule you desire for yourself.
Resource Sheets
Access to Cailen's favorite tools and technologies to ensure that your Ideal Workweek becomes your reality
Each lesson comes with a checklist to ensure that you're on track
PRivate FAcebook Group
Upon joining 3-Day Workweek, you'll gain access to our private FB Group community where you'll find mastermind buddies, accountability partners, helpful Q&A threads and a community of women who are ready to work LESS, make MORE and live BETTER
- When you purchase this program, you're in for life! Meaning that you'll be invited back again and again to move through the program as you're ready to make new and better upgrades to your current schedule!
What women are saying about 3-Day Workweek...
“With Cailen’s 3-Day Workweek Schedule, I was able to switch over to A/B weeks in my business, and it's totally rocked my world, and I'm never going back! It’s really great for coaches and consultants to have “on” weeks and “off” weeks. Thank you so much, Cailen! It was super, super helpful! Anybody can find value from the shift of mindset with 3-Day Workweek!”
- Jordan Gill, founder of The Kolada Group, thekoladagroup.com
"Before implementing Cailen's 3-Day Workweek Schedule, I was often working 7 days a week on my business! Now, I'm taking my weekends off to enjoy time with my boyfriend and am giving myself an hour-long lunch break. I'm finally working SMARTER, not harder, and my business is now running so well that the next step is to hire a virtual assistant to free up even more of my time! I totally LOVE #3DayWorkweek!"
- Tanessa Shears, Personal Trainer + Fitness Expert, tanessashears.com
"Using Cailen's 3-Day Workweek framework, I've designed my own ideal workweek that includes Wednesdays off to spend time with my new baby niece, half-days on Fridays and the flexibility for spur-of-the-moment mid-week travel! I love it so much!!! Thank you, Cailen!"
- Hannah Poles, Pregnancy Mentor + New Parent Coach, thebabymaven.com
"As my business grew, I felt that I never had enough time, and my to-do list was multiplying by the day. I could never catch up. Thanks to the practical steps Cailen shares in the 3-Day Workweek, I was able to uncover pockets of time where I could be productive and feel great about working – not as though I was missing out on life to squeeze it all in. I now have a framework for prioritization that ensures that I am putting my precious time and energy towards the right activities in my business."
- Devon Smiley, founder of devonsmiley.com
3-Day Workweek Stats
Working 40+ hours a week can lead to burnout (both mental + physical), less efficiency and less creativity
- Forbes, "Why the 40-Hour Workweek is Dying"
"When the [work] week went over 25 hours, cognitive performance for the test subjects decreased as fatigue and stress took over."
- The Telegraph, "Why We Should ALL Be Working a 3-Day Week"
"Americans work 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more hours per year than British workers, and 499 more hours per year than French workers"
- International Labor Organization, ILO.org
"Often more work leads to more stress and a lower quality of life. Without time to unwind, take care of your home, spend time with loved ones, enjoy our hobbies, connect with friends, and generally live a more balanced life. Stress is the #1 cause of health problems – mentally and physically."
- 20-Something Finance, 20somethingfinance.com
FAQ about 3DWW
How Do I know if 3DWW is right for me?
3-Day Workweek gives you a clear Framework and Actionable Strategies to help you define your Ideal Lifestyle, create your Model Calendar and start LIVING your perfect-for-you workweek.
It's a great fit for...
(1) New entrepreneurs who want to set themselves up right from the start
(2) Seasoned entrepreneurs who are tired of hustling
(3) Women with time constraints -- like moms or those who still have full-time jobs and want to start a side-hustle
Is 3DWW only for women who want to work just 3 days?
No! 3-Day Workweek offers you a Framework that you can apply to step into whatever Ideal Schedule you desire.
That could many anything from getting your weekends back, cutting your working hours by 20%, taking 1/2 days on Fridays, being able to pick up your kids after school during the week, stopping your workday at 5pm or working just 3 days a week.
When does it Start?
3-Day Workweek starts on Monday, November 13th, and new lessons roll out every Monday for 5 weeks.
Is 3dww just another business building or marketing course?
No! 3DWW is a Lifestyle Design program. The purpose of this program is to use Cailen's signature 3-Day Workweek Framework to define, design and begin living your ideal work-life balance.
This program teaches time management, calendar organization, goal setting, creating your ideal schedule, using systems, implementing productivity habits, shifting your mindset to believe that working LESS and making MORE is possible and ultimately LIVING your ideal work-life balance.
P.S. If you're looking for a business-building or marketing course, I would be happy to recommend my favorites -- just email hello@cailenascher.com, and we'll hook you up!
What's the Format of 3DWW?
3-Day Workweek is a 5 week program, and for the November 2017 pilot round ONLY, it's also a LIVE program, meaning there will be regular group coaching calls with Cailen throughout the program.
Every Monday during the program you'll receive access to a lesson that includes an on-demand audio teaching, worksheets, resources and fillable templates. There will also be 4 LIVE group Q&A calls with Cailen where you can bring your questions and receive 1x1 coaching. All lessons and group call recordings will be housed in the 3DWW Member Portal.
When you enroll in 3DWW, you also get LIFETIME access to the program and also to a private, members-only Facebook Group for masterminding, collaboration and feedback.
Will 3dWW Work for Me?
While there are no guarantees when it comes to programs like this (or life for that matter!), I can say that I've talked and worked with many, many women who have applied the 3-Day Workweek principles to their lives and businesses, and they ALL rave about the results. These women have been able to hire VAs, take vacations and travel, spend more time with their families, take a relaxing maternity leave without stressing about money, end the workday at 3:30pm, enroll new high-end clients, take lunch breaks, stop working weekends and ultimately ENJOY LIFE more!!!
As with anything, you get out what you put in. If you commit to this program, complete your work, and make the most of the support and accountability available to you, I have no doubt that you will experience a real transformation during your time in 3-Day Workweek.
Every week during 3DWW you'll receive an email on Monday morning that delivers that week's lesson. Also, you'll have access to an exclusive members-only portal where all the audios, call recordings, worksheets, resources, fillable templates and bonuses will be available to you.
All live calls are recorded and will be added to the members-only portal for easy access.
How is 3DWW different from other programs?
This program gives you back your TIME -- our most valuable resource!
This program also has Lifetime Utility (and you get Lifetime Access to it for that very reason). You'll be able to (and want to!) come back again and again as your business continues to grow and your lifestyle desires change so that you can create a customized plan for the next phase of your Ideal Lifestyle and Model Calendar.
Essentially, it gives you a Framework that meets you where you're at and takes you where you want to go!
All the lessons, course materials and resources have been carefully curated to deliver you the absolute best tools and teachings to help you understand the 3-Day Workweek Framework, define your Ideal Lifestyle, create your Model Calendar and start LIVING it right now.
Lastly, unlike many other programs that run for months and months and cost multiple thousands of dollars, 3DWW is designed to be a clear, concise, streamlined experience -- because I value your time :-)
What is special about the pilot round of 3dww?
This is the very first time 3-Day Workweek is being offered, and we want to ensure this program is the absolute BEST it can be, which means we're adding in some extra goodness for this kick-off round. They include...
Weekly group coaching calls with Cailen
VIP Track limited to just 5 women so Cailen can offer personalized attention and support to ensure you get the MOST out of the program
Bonus! LIVE kick-off workshop for women who enroll by November 4th
Save up to $1000 off the investment!
What is the VIP Track?
The VIP Track is designed for women who want 1x1 support from Cailen during their 3-Day Workweek experience.
It's limited to just 5 women and includes two private coaching sessions with Cailen (one 50min session during the program and a 30min follow-up after the program completes) and email access directly to Cailen for the entirety of the program.
Yes! Until November 4th at 11:11pm PST, we're offering the most affordable way to experience 3-Day Workweek -- just 6 payments of $275!
After November 4th, the payment options are...
You can either choose to pay-in-full with a 1-time payment of $1497, or you can choose 3 monthly payments of $547. (When the program re-launches again in 2018 the investment will increase to $1997!)
Upon payment, you'll receive immediate access to the 3DWW bonuses and private Facebook Group, so you can dive in right away!
P.S. For the VIP Track the investment is $2497 because it includes 1x1 coaching with Cailen. The payment plan is 3 monthly payments of $897.
Why now?
This pilot round of 3-Day Workweek is going to be super high-touch which means you'll be able to receive personalized support via live group coaching calls and be able to have your ideas and feedback incorporated into the program! Plus, you get Lifetime Access so you can return to the program at any time in the future, and it will assist you in stepping into the next phase of your Ideal Lifestyle and Model Calendar!
When you enroll now, by the start of 2018 you will totally understand the 3-Day Workweek Framework, have your Model Calendar crafted, your Feel-Good Goals will be set, and you'll be ready to work smarter (not harder) in the new year to ensure success like you've never experienced before!
So the real question is: If not now, when?
Doors close Thursday, November 9th at 11:59pm PST.
This Program is Ideal for...
New entrepreneurs who want to set up an ideal work-life balance right from the start
Moms who want to work-from-home and have more time for their families
Full-time workers who want to prioritize their limited hours to build up a successful side-hustle
Seasoned entrepreneurs who wANT A Clear Framework for working Smarter, not Harder.
Registration is now closed.
Want to be the first to know when the next round of 3-Day Workweek opens up? Sign up for the waitlist using the form below!