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The 3-Day Workweek System

A revolutionary way for women entrepreneurs to work just 3 days a week and have consistent $10K+ months

Inside this guide you’ll find...

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An hour-by-hour breakdown of my 3-day workweek schedule (Hint: the secret to a spacious 3-day workweek is NOT better time management, it’s about saying “goodbye” to 1x1 work!)


A detailed description of everything on my schedule so you understand precisely what I’m doing with my time and how I am running a 6-figure business while working just 3 days a week.


Additional tips and tools to help make a 3-day workweek work for you — including how I shifted my business away from 1x1 work and how I have transitioned my schedule during the pandemic.

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Your very own 3-day workweek template so you can design your ideal workweek and start living the life you want!


Sign-up now & also get a BONUS training that reveals How to Make $100K+ Per Year with ONE Zoom Call A Week!