The Supporter.png

You are a

Supporters love helping others bring their dreams to fruition. They like working behind-the-scenes, prefer quiet and are great at follow-through and finishing tasks. They tend to be introverted yet work remarkably well with others. Supporters love to-do lists! Supporters value stability and service.

About Your


  • Very Helpful
  • Stays on-task until completion
  • Works really well with others


  • Can be a people pleaser and feel drained.
  • Can lose their sense of “self” when exposed to an overbearing personality.
  • Replenishing Practices

  • Unplugging from places where people “need” you — email, social media, etc.
  • Setting and honoring healthy boundaries and saying “no” to others when necessary
  • Speaking your truth and asking for what YOU need
  • Aligned Business Types

  • Personal Assistant
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Online Business Manager
  • Integrator
  • IMPORTANT: The list of “best businesses” is not all-inclusive. If you do not see your work listed above, it DOES NOT MEAN that you are doing anything “wrong” or need to immediately switch your path. All it means is that you have the opportunity to infuse more of your SUPPORTER energy into the work you do now so you can feel more fulfilled and lit up in the work that you do now.

    Personal Mantra

    By creating and honoring my own healthy boundaries, I increase my capacity to serve.


    Free Masterclass

    If you are building a Supporter business (or want to!), see how to attract Soulmate 1x1 Clients to the work that you offer.