Inside this FREE guidebook, you'll find the opportunity to bring more freedom + fulfillment into your life and business.
It includes...
1) My Schedule: an hour-by-hour breakdown of my 3-day workweek schedule (Hint: check out how I schedule in self-care & honor my time and energy with A/B weeks)
2) Task List: a detailed description of everything on my schedule so you understand precisely what I’m doing with my time and how I create freedom + fulfillment both personally and professionally
3) Bonus Tips: additional tips and mindset practices to help make a 3-day workweek work for you — including how I have transitioned my schedule during the pandemic
4) Ideal Schedule Template: your very own 3-day workweek template so you can design your ideal workweek and start living the life you want!
The value of this guidebook is $97, but today it's my FREE gift to you!