
The High-Five Formula™


worried that the 1:1 business you’ve built is NOT the business you want anymore?

Grab the High-Five Formula video training + workbook to learn how replacing draining one-to-one work with a Premium Group Program can give you back control of your business, schedule and revenue!

Inside this FREE training, you’ll learn…

  • How to tell if it’s time to say “goodbye” to 1:1 work

  • How a Premium Group Program can offer a 3-day workweek, 5-figure months and 6-figure years!

  • The 5 steps of the “High-Five Formula” for creating a Premium Group Program that is more valuable + desirable than one-to-one

  • Your Premium Expertise that can set you and your group program apart from everyone else in your industry

Hi there! I’m Cailen Ascher

…a Business Coach with a 3-day workweek, a mom of two little girls, a wife and the creator of Scale-Up Mastermind™. I help coaches + online service providers replace their 1:1 offer with a Premium Group Program.

I love nothing more than helping women build businesses that enable them to work just a handful of hours a week, have consistent 5-figure months, get the occasional weekday massage and take a totally unplugged vacation without the stress of needy clients and non-stop 1:1 work.

If your one-to-one business leaves you with zero time and energy and you find yourself fantasizing about “walking away” simply so you can enjoy a much-needed break...

I hope you’ll grab the FREE High-Five Formula training + workbook.

It’s specifically for 1:1 coaches and online service providers who want to learn my exact formula for replacing (exhausting!) one-to-one work with a Premium Group Program.

I’m ready to say “goodbye” to back-to-back client work & create a Premium Group Program!

show me how!