burn out

biz: overcome stall-out once and for all!

do you ever feel stalled?  like you forget why you do what you do, or you feel like you're missing the fire or spark that used to fuel you onward?  no matter how meaningful your work -- and yoga is at the top of the meaningful, difference-making work out there -- we can all feel disconnected and stalled.  it hits us for different reasons -- we don't see as much class-size growth as we were hoping, the workshop we just hosted didn't have a good turnout, or we're just all-together burned out from doing too much for everyone else. the key thing to remember is that feeling stalled, disconnected, or foggy about your mission is NORMAL!  it doesn't mean that something's wrong, or that you're not on the right path.  it just means that you're human.  no matter how much you love what you do, you're bound to question it from time to time, it's actually healthy to do so.  it's healthy to reconnect with why you do the good work you do, and why you love to serve your students.

whether you're feeling truly stalled or not, take a moment to jot down who you serve (your ideal clients/students) and, most importantly, why you serve them.  what difference are you making in the world by being a force of good?  celebrate your good work -- and take a few deep breaths to clear the stagnant, stalled energy out of your body.  and then, perhaps, you'll catch a glimmer of that spark again...