cailen ascher

Discover Your Level of Business Clarity: Free Self-Assessment

Discover Your Level of Business Clarity: Free Self-Assessment

I am here today with a special little gift for you: a free self-assessment checklist to help you gauge your current level of Business Clarity. 

As you know, as a Clarity Coach, I am a HUGE proponent of finding/having/maintaining Business Clarity. 

When I found Business Clarity, meaning when my Mindset, Vision and Plan all came together in a cohesive, feel-good way, the momentum shifted in a dramatic way and my business expanded at an incredible rate.

To give you some concrete examples of what Business Clarity did for me, I want to share my Before & After with you.

The Real Reason You’re Not Making Money, Not Getting Clients & Feel Totally Stuck

The Real Reason You’re Not Making Money, Not Getting Clients & Feel Totally Stuck

For a long time (7 years to be exact), I couldn’t figure out why my business wasn’t working.

Sometimes the stuff I was doing would bring in a client, make me a little money, deliver a small win, but MOST of the time it didn’t. I felt like everyone else out there had it “figured out”, and I just couldn’t crack the successful business code.

So, I kept trying tactic after tactic, chasing idea after idea, hoping the next one would work. But the truth is, nothing was really working. Things were broken, and I was putting bandaids on the symptoms without looking for a cure for the problem under those surface-level problems.

Lack of clients, lack of money, unsuccessful sales, slow email list growth, lack of engagement and feeling totally stuck and unclear are all symptoms of just ONE thing…

Confession: I made 6-figures in my first 6 months of business

Confession: I made 6-figures in my first 6 months of business

Confession: “I made 6-figures in my first 6 months of business.” - Jennifer Jayde, Dream Business Coach

I first met Jen a few months ago at an amazing mastermind event at The Plaza in New York City. We instantly hit it off (as I’m sure you’ll be able to tell from our conversation!), and I knew she would have so much to bring to The Clarity Confessions. 

So, without further ado, here she is!

Here is a Glimpse into Your Future

Here is a Glimpse into Your Future

Today I’m offering you a very rare opportunity…

A chance to look into your bright & brilliant future.

So, how can I know what the future holds for you?

Well, to be truthful, I can’t exactly. There are a ton of factors at play, and nobody can truly know what the future holds.

But, what I can do is give you a before & after look at my own journey.

And, if you see yourself in my “before”, then my “after” can be yours as well!