Clarity Coach

Take Things Off Your To-Do List to Leverage Your Power

Take Things Off Your To-Do List to Leverage Your Power

For the last month or so, nearly every day before I start working I make a to-do. 

But, not just any to-do list -- a very unique to-do list.

And, this special to-do list that I’ve taken to creating has brought me some really powerful results in the last few weeks like…

  • Bringing me unexpected cash from unexpected places (always fun right?!)
  • Landing me 2 new clients 
  • Bringing me several new potential clients effortlessly
  • Connecting me with the right people at the right times for the right opportunities
  • Making me feel completely at ease with everything that’s going on in my life + business 
  • And, countless smaller wins :-)

After reading that, I’m sure you’re wondering what kind of hocus pocus to-do list could possibly deliver these results.

Why I Said NO to Making More Money

Why I Said NO to Making More Money

Nearly every day on Facebook there’s another story of an “overnight success” who went from making nothing to 6-figures in her first year of business.

Now, I’m not here to rail against those stories -- they’re eye catching, inspirational and often have a few helpful nuggets to walk away with. (And hey, if you have a story that’ll turn heads, I say share it!)

But, the story I want to share with you today is a little different, it’s the tale of why I said NO to making more money in my business.

Now, with the aim of transparency, I’ll be totally truthful and say that I’ve had a fantastic year in my business.

After 7 loooong years of serial entrepreneurship, when I found Business Clarity and rebranded as a Clarity Coach in May of 2015, things took off. And perhaps, my story could have looked like an “overnight success” from the outside, but there was nearly a decade of trial and error, tears and triumphs that went into it.

Yes, I’ve had a fantastic year and am on track to make well over 6-figures, but I could have made a lot more -- I just chose not to.

How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

One of the most common questions I get asked by my clients, colleagues, friends and family is how I manage to work just 3 days a week (about 20 hours total) and still have a thriving Clarity Coaching business that continues to grow and bring in 5-figures in a month.

So, I figured it was time to lift the veil and give you a peek at my weekly schedule so that you can see exactly where and how I spend my time in (and outside of) my business during my condensed workweek.

I always find it really helpful when other successful women share how they’re able to accomplish all that they do -- it’s not only inspiring, but it also offers invaluable insights as to how to better leverage your time for maximum impact and growth. 

My goal is to not only show you what’s possible for you and your business but to give you actionable steps that you can take (starting right now!) to get yourself there.

You see, success isn’t something that “finds us if we’re lucky”, success is something that you draw to yourself through your Vision, Mindset and Plan of inspired, feel-good action.

If you’re ready to stop wishing and hoping for your dream lifestyle and business to “find you” and want to do something about making it happen for yourself, I’ve got something you’re going to LOVE.

Discover Your Level of Business Clarity: Free Self-Assessment

Discover Your Level of Business Clarity: Free Self-Assessment

I am here today with a special little gift for you: a free self-assessment checklist to help you gauge your current level of Business Clarity. 

As you know, as a Clarity Coach, I am a HUGE proponent of finding/having/maintaining Business Clarity. 

When I found Business Clarity, meaning when my Mindset, Vision and Plan all came together in a cohesive, feel-good way, the momentum shifted in a dramatic way and my business expanded at an incredible rate.

To give you some concrete examples of what Business Clarity did for me, I want to share my Before & After with you.