
How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

One of the most common questions I get asked by my clients, colleagues, friends and family is how I manage to work just 3 days a week (about 20 hours total) and still have a thriving Clarity Coaching business that continues to grow and bring in 5-figures in a month.

So, I figured it was time to lift the veil and give you a peek at my weekly schedule so that you can see exactly where and how I spend my time in (and outside of) my business during my condensed workweek.

I always find it really helpful when other successful women share how they’re able to accomplish all that they do -- it’s not only inspiring, but it also offers invaluable insights as to how to better leverage your time for maximum impact and growth. 

My goal is to not only show you what’s possible for you and your business but to give you actionable steps that you can take (starting right now!) to get yourself there.

You see, success isn’t something that “finds us if we’re lucky”, success is something that you draw to yourself through your Vision, Mindset and Plan of inspired, feel-good action.

If you’re ready to stop wishing and hoping for your dream lifestyle and business to “find you” and want to do something about making it happen for yourself, I’ve got something you’re going to LOVE.

all you need is THIS to alleviate mental chaos

do you often feel like you're being pulled in a thousand different directions? and, even when you're working on one task, your mind is ticking through the countless other things you still need to get done?
being in a state of mental chaos (to put it bluntly) sucks.
it's tiring, frustrating and no matter how much you accomplish, it feels like you didn't get quite enough done.
if what i'm talking about here is something you live with or even just deal with occasionally, please know that this is not a "given" state of being for entrepreneurs. just because you may wear 20 different hats as a yogic business owner, doesn't mean you need to feel like you also have 20 different heads all competing for your attention!
but, as with all things, problems don't present themselves with solutions. and, luckily, i have one for you today that'll help you alleviate the mental chaos that's weighing on your mind.
in order to combat mental chaos, you need to have organization!
it makes perfect sense, actually. when your closet is a mess and weighing on your mind, you clear out the clutter, neatly stack your sweaters, line up your shoes and feel 1000% better. same goes for your biz!
today i'm sharing 4 organizational strategies that i personally use to get a handle on my business to-dos and prevent mental chaos from setting in. check out the vid now.

which strategy did you find the most helpful? share it in the comments below!



the most important tool for your yoga business

do you know what the most important tool is for your yoga business?
are you thinking...
website? blog? youtube channel? facebook page? marketing campaign? mailing list?
well, yes. all of those things are super important for yoga biz building, but i'm making a case today that they're not the most important tool.
this tool that i'm sharing in today's video is the most valuable thing i have in place for my business -- and i'm realizing that now more than ever being a new mama with fewer hours to devote to my business.
better yet, this tool costs nothing, is easy to set up and is likely something you're already familiar with! (pretty cool, eh?)
so...what is it???
i've included everything you need to know in this week's video. watch now to learn exactly what it is and how to use it to maximum benefit for your biz.

do you have a business-building tip for the short-on-time? share it in the comments below!

i LOVE learning from you!



you should only spend 25% of your yoga business on THIS

did that title catch your attention?  good! because, chances are you're spending a lot more than 25% of your time doing THIS, and it could be stalling the growth of your yoga business -- no good!

in today's teaching, i'm covering exactly where and how you should spend your time when you sit down to accomplish your business to-dos whether you have 3, 10 or 30 hours at your disposal.  

this simple system will help you breakdown your daily to-dos, goals, and BIG dreams into manageable categories that'll enable you to move forward CONSISTENTLY and grow your yoga biz like never before.

so, are you ready?!

listen to the teaching below, and then get busy building the yoga career you've always wanted and totally deserve :-) 

i want to "see" you in the comments -- i read every single one!

did you have an ah-ha moment while listening to this teaching? how much time do you currently spend on your daily to-dos?  ready to change that?!