business advice

Confession: My first year in business was a hot mess!

Confession: My first year in business was a hot mess!

Meet Jasmine Star. A branding + marketing strategist, photographer and all-around awesome gal who helps entrepreneurs establish kick-ass social platforms for business growth.

Jasmine’s exuberance and enthusiasm are contagious (which you’ll undoubtedly notice when you tune into the show), but beyond that she’s a fountain of fabulous insight and advice.

Here’s just a little taste of what’s waiting for you...

  • How her first business as a photographer laid the groundwork for the business she has now
  • The absolute best advice she’s ever received and continues to live by -- you’re going to want to hear this one!
  • Why her first year in business was a “hot mess”
  • How she managed to host live events in 2 different cities, each with 50 attendees, while still growing her online presence
  • What you need in order to maintain the mindset of a CEO
  • The 2 things every new entrepreneur must focus on in order to truly enjoy life and business 

Plus, at the end of our conversation, Jasmine offers up an amazing practice to help ground you and set you up for big things in life and business. And, it’s something you can start doing today and takes only minutes!

Clarity Confession with Laura Dos Santos of She Oms

Confession: “It took me a lot less time than I expected for my business to be profitable. You always hear it takes 3 or 5 years, but because I invested in a team of support right off the bat, She Oms was profitable much, much sooner.” - Laura Dos Santos, founder of She Oms
Laura is a branding expert for wellness warriors and spirit supporters who has nearly a decade of experience in marketing and branding. She married her corporate experience and passion for yoga and the healing arts and founded She Oms where she and her team teach entrepreneurs how to show up confidently and courageously as brands.
During her Clarity Confession, she reveals her formula for success -- surrounding herself with a team to help her achieve her mission of empowering female-preneurs to deliver their brands to the world. Without that support from the get-go, Laura admits she would not have the business she has today. (Definitely a valuable lesson for us solopreneurs who think we can do it all ourselves!)
In this month’s Clarity Confession, Laura took the hot seat and held nothing back.
Watch to learn…
  • The 3 Shared Traits of ALL Successful Brands - and how you can build them into yours
  • Why Laura's rise to entrepreneurial success was easier and more rapid than she expected (and how yours can be too)
  • The mindset shift you need to make in order to harness the flow of abundance
  • How Laura schedules her days for maximum productivity (and why she NEVER answers the phone on Mondays)
  • How to win Laura's $200 Digital Branding Course - All You Need is Brand - for FREE
To enter for a chance to win Laura's awesome course, All You Need is Brand, be sure to watch until the end to learn how to enter. Trust me, you're gonna want in on this.
Check out Laura's Clarity Confession below.
Tweetworthy: You NEED to own your success. No caveats or apologies. That's how you tap into abundance @SheOMs via @CailenAscher
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P.S. Wanna say "hi" to Laura? (You should! She's really cool.) You can find her at

Clarity Confession with Kristen Domingue

Confession: "I pulled the plug on a 9-month long program that was about to launch in 30 days. I was about to have no cash flow, and the one thing that would bring in money was the one thing I didn't want to do. It felt heavy. Misaligned. It felt like a lie." - Kristen Domingue, Branding Expert
That's just a little taste of ONE of the many confessions that Kristen openly shares during our interview together, which leads me to ask you...
Do you ever wonder if the business you're building is really and truly aligned with what you're supposed to be doing with you life?
That's the ultimate question that we purpose-driven entrepreneurs face, right?
Is what I'm doing "on track" with my life's purpose?
And, it's a big, overwhelming question.
Sure, we all have rough days or even weeks when we're feeling down-in-the-dumps about our businesses, that's NORMAL. But if you're questioning if you need to pivot your path in order to more fully align with your true purpose, I've got someone I want to introduce you to.
My friend, Kristen Domingue, is a personal brand expert and helps entrepreneurs build a brand that is 100% authentic. No B.S., no unnecessary elements, no "shoulds", just brilliantly YOU.
Kristen's journey to where she is in her life and business today was anything but direct. And she's totally transparent about that. So refreshing!
She admits there was a lot of questioning, course correction and do-overs over the years, but ultimately she persevered and found her calling. Confessing that it was only when she allowed herself to be the most unabashed expression of herself that she found her groove -- and her happiness.
In this month's Clarity Confession, Kristen is revealing all and sharing her story, wisdom and advice with us.
This girl is awesome. Passionate. Focused. Business-minded. Open and honest. And, when you watch her Clarity Confession, you'll learn...
  • What her first year in business really looked like
  • The BEST WAY to find your positioning or niche, and how Kristen’s was “handed to her on a silver platter”
  • Why you need outside input to achieve BIG insights and make big leaps
  • The single best thing she’s done for her business...EVER
  • How to easily and effectively determine if you should say “yes” to any opportunity
Oh, and be sure to watch until the very end to learn how you can land a super-sweet complimentary coaching session with Kristen to put more YOU in your brand. You're gonna want in on this. Believe me!
Watch Kristen's Clarity Confession below.
Tweetworthy: For business decisions, if it's not a F@$K YES! It's a NO. - @KristenIgnites via @CailenAscher #ClarityConfession
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P.S. You can find Kristen + all her brilliance HERE. You want this girl in your corner.



Find The People That "Get You"

We need people that “get us” in life and in business.
People that understand what it takes to show up day and day to build a business out of nothing. To follow your dream. To ride the highs and the lows, and keep coming back for more. It takes a special kind of person to live the entrepreneurial life, and not everyone gets it.
Well-meaning friends ask you when you’re going to get a “real job”. You catch an eye-roll when you mention you’re building an online business. These people aren’t trying to poo-poo your lifelong dream, they just don’t get it. Plain and simple.
Entrepreneurship can be lonely, frustrating and overwhelming without people in your corner to give you support, bounce your ideas off of and share the highs (and the lows).
I can say without a doubt that I never would have stuck with it this long if not for the support of my husband, parents, sister and business friends. They all have the entrepreneurial gene, and they believe in me even when I stop believing in myself. We ALL need people like that. We DESERVE people like that.
If you don’t have an Inner Circle of support yet, that’s OK. That’s something we can work together to fix. Just remember, if you’re feeling like a lonely-preneur, you can bet that hundreds - heck, thousands - of others are feeling the same way too. You just have to know where to find them!
Let’s work together to build your Inner Circle of business best friends!
Creativity cannot happen in a vacuum - devoid of contact, interaction and support. And, you cannot be your best self, professionally or personally, without a business best friend or two. You need them and they need you.
Now, you just need to find them!
Click HERE to cultivate your Inner Circle + discover the 6 Best Places to Find Business BFFs.
sign-up for find your business BFFs 2
If you’re ready to feel a part of something as you grow your purpose-full business, if you want to collaborate, connect and build real relationships with like-minded, powerhouse women, join me.
My mission is to connect entrepreneurial, purpose-driven women with one another so that we can, collectively, rise up and change the world as only we can.
love + admiration,

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P.S. I'm planning a fabulous LIVE event in 2016 that will include delicious food, well-mixed cocktails, life-changing teachings + business BFFs. If that sounds like your jam, get on the waitlist HERE.