Confession: "I pulled the plug on a 9-month long program that was about to launch in 30 days. I was about to have no cash flow, and the one thing that would bring in money was the one thing I didn't want to do. It felt heavy. Misaligned. It felt like a lie." - Kristen Domingue, Branding Expert
That's just a little taste of ONE of the many confessions that Kristen openly shares during our interview together, which leads me to ask you...
Do you ever wonder if the business you're building is really and truly aligned with what you're supposed to be doing with you life?
That's the ultimate question that we purpose-driven entrepreneurs face, right?
Is what I'm doing "on track" with my life's purpose?
And, it's a big, overwhelming question.
Sure, we all have rough days or even weeks when we're feeling down-in-the-dumps about our businesses, that's NORMAL. But if you're questioning if you need to pivot your path in order to more fully align with your true purpose, I've got someone I want to introduce you to.
My friend, Kristen Domingue, is a personal brand expert and helps entrepreneurs build a brand that is 100% authentic. No B.S., no unnecessary elements, no "shoulds", just brilliantly YOU.
Kristen's journey to where she is in her life and business today was anything but direct. And she's totally transparent about that. So refreshing!
She admits there was a lot of questioning, course correction and do-overs over the years, but ultimately she persevered and found her calling. Confessing that it was only when she allowed herself to be the most unabashed expression of herself that she found her groove -- and her happiness.
In this month's Clarity Confession, Kristen is revealing all and sharing her story, wisdom and advice with us.
This girl is awesome. Passionate. Focused. Business-minded. Open and honest. And, when you watch her Clarity Confession, you'll learn...
What her first year in business really looked like
The BEST WAY to find your positioning or niche, and how Kristen’s was “handed to her on a silver platter”
Why you need outside input to achieve BIG insights and make big leaps
The single best thing she’s done for her business...EVER
How to easily and effectively determine if you should say “yes” to any opportunity
Oh, and be sure to watch until the very end to learn how you can land a super-sweet complimentary coaching session with Kristen to put more YOU in your brand. You're gonna want in on this. Believe me!
We need people that “get us” in life and in business.
People that understand what it takes to show up day and day to build a business out of nothing. To follow your dream. To ride the highs and the lows, and keep coming back for more. It takes a special kind of person to live the entrepreneurial life, and not everyone gets it.
Well-meaning friends ask you when you’re going to get a “real job”. You catch an eye-roll when you mention you’re building an online business. These people aren’t trying to poo-poo your lifelong dream, they just don’t get it. Plain and simple.
Entrepreneurship can be lonely, frustrating and overwhelming without people in your corner to give you support, bounce your ideas off of and share the highs (and the lows).
I can say without a doubt that I never would have stuck with it this long if not for the support of my husband, parents, sister and business friends. They all have the entrepreneurial gene, and they believe in me even when I stop believing in myself. We ALL need people like that. We DESERVE people like that.
If you don’t have an Inner Circle of support yet, that’s OK. That’s something we can work together to fix. Just remember, if you’re feeling like a lonely-preneur, you can bet that hundreds - heck, thousands - of others are feeling the same way too. You just have to know where to find them!
Let’s work together to build your Inner Circle of business best friends!
Creativity cannot happen in a vacuum - devoid of contact, interaction and support. And, you cannot be your best self, professionally or personally, without a business best friend or two. You need them and they need you.
Now, you just need to find them!
Click HERE to cultivate your Inner Circle + discover the 6 Best Places to Find Business BFFs.
If you’re ready to feel a part of something as you grow your purpose-full business, if you want to collaborate, connect and build real relationships with like-minded, powerhouse women, join me.
My mission is to connect entrepreneurial, purpose-driven women with one another so that we can, collectively, rise up and change the world as only we can.
love + admiration,
P.S. I'm planning a fabulous LIVE event in 2016 that will include delicious food, well-mixed cocktails, life-changing teachings + business BFFs. If that sounds like your jam, get on the waitlist HERE.
No matter how old I get, my calendar still follows the school year. So, September always feels like the start of something new. Something exciting.
Yes. I was one of those kids who’d religiously check the mail EVERY DAY prior to the start of school eagerly awaiting the envelope that would contain my teacher assignment and classmates for the new school year.
And, this year is no different. The inaugural show of The Clarity Confessions kicked off in August, and I have all the fall shows already lined up for you. And, they are AWESOME.
Over the next few months, you’ll learn the business secrets of branding experts, TEDx speakers, bestselling authors, and industry leaders. Really, really good stuff.
(If you haven’t already, you can sign-up for the show HERE & gain immediate access to the latest Clarity Confession with Where Is My Guru founder, Jessica Durivage.)
September, for me, is the perfect time to set up my launching pad for the new year. (Yes, believe it or not 2016 is just a few short months away.) I look at the goals I set for myself and my business this year, and evaluate what I can do in this last quarter to set myself up for the best possible entrance into the new year so that I can hit the ground running!
If you’re like me and are feeling like September’s calling you to buckle down and get back on track with your business goals after the summer, I invite you to set up a complimentary Clarity Consultation with me to see if working together is the right way to set you up for BIG wins in 2016.
With business buckling-down in mind, here are a few things that’re making my business + life easier these days. I hope they do the same for you!
Tools I’m Digging…
I love business tools that are user-friendly, convenient, beautiful and FREE, and these two babies hit the spot.
To keep my calendar organized (and pretty!), I’ve switched over to Calendly. It syncs with Google Calendar, Outlook and other platforms, and allows clients and contacts to schedule time with me -- and I can be completely hands-off! Calendly lists your availability so your client can pick the day/time that’s best for them. It then shoots you both an email, puts the event on your calendar and sends reminders prior to the booking. So helpful.
The other tool I’m crushing on is Typeform. It’s becoming a more and more popular way to build attractive, easy-to-use (and fun-to-use) forms and surveys. Create contact forms, questionnaires, surveys, order forms, evaluations, etc. etc. etc. Even better, you can then share your creation via email, pop-up, with a link or embed it directly on your website. Fabulous! (You can see how I'm using Typeform here.)
What I’m Having Fun With…
Get-to-know-you calls.
To be completely honest, phone calls used to be the bane of my existence. I hated “wasting time” on the phone.
But, I’ve turned a corner, and now I really enjoy getting on the phone (or on Skype) for get-to-know-you calls with potential business friends and my community.
Why? Because I LOVE hearing about people’s businesses, the amazing things they’re up to and what’s on the horizon for them.
I love idea hashing, brainstorming, offering (and receiving) advice, and talking to people who really and truly get what it’s like to be an entrepreneur -- the highs AND the lows.
If talking to your community and fellow entrepreneurs isn’t currently on your to-do list, I strongly encourage you to consider making time for this activity. The insight you’ll gain to improve your business is immeasurable.
Plus, you’ll be totally jazzed after a good call -- your motivation will be through the roof!
Who I’m Intrigued By…
Jessica Nazarali. The It Girl Coach.
She’s on online business expert for new coaches, and she honestly just seems like a super fun girl to hang out with.
Her deal? She travels the world while working 1x1 with clients and also hosting live events and meet-ups for budding coaches. Fun!
Plus, her business is booming -- she made over $350K in the first half of 2015 (impressive, I know!) all while visiting far-off cities and enjoying a lifestyle that she loves with her husband.
Definitely someone to check out and be inspired by.
And Finally, What I’m Eating…
Trader Joe’s Curry Sauce. Yum.
My sister introduced this sauce to me a few weeks back, and it’s delicious.
For all you busy entrepreneurs out there with limited time to pull together a delicious, healthy meal, you need to stock some of this stuff in your pantry.
For a super quick dinner, I like to prep a spaghetti squash, toss in extra veggies (like peppers, onions and snow peas) and then add in Trader Joe’s Curry Sauce. So very tasty.
That rounds out September’s HOT List.
If you enjoy any of this month’s HOT List items, let me know about in the comments below, on Twitter @CailenAscher, or in the Facebook Group.
Have some fun stuff you’re lovin’ on lately? Let me know. I’d love to check it out!
Happy September!
P.S. Missed out on last month’s HOT List? There was a must-read book, top places to connect with like-minded, purpose-driven entrepreneurs and suggestions for giving yourself a little me-time. Find it HERE.
Confession: “I used to be a workaholic. I worked long days, feeling like I was being productive, but in reality I was just spinning. Now, I work just 15 hours a week and am getting more done, and my business is doing better than ever!” - Jessica Durivage, founder of Where Is My Guru
Jessica is a business buddy of mine. She’s up to amazing things in the world -- like starting an online “university” dedicated to well-living and self-improvement -- but the clarity that she has now was not always there.
During her Clarity Confession, she candidly shares that she used to be a burnt-out, overworked and overwhelmed business builder. She wasn’t focused, didn’t have a business structure that was bringing in money, and didn’t feel like she was making the difference that she knew she could make in the world.
Fast-forward to today. Her work is all about service and helping people live beautiful, meaningful lives, and as she puts it, she finally feels aligned with her purpose.
In this month’s inaugural Clarity Confession, Jessica took the hot seat and held nothing back.
Tune in to learn…
What her first 5 years in business REALLY looked like (trust me, this is a truth that NO ONE tells you)
How she’s able to work just 15 hours a week and still grow her business
The lifestyle movement she’s embraced that has enabled her to find more time, ease and enjoyment in her life and business
What keeps her grounded and present in order to show up as her best self
Watch Jessica’s Clarity Confession below.
Plus, Jessica’s offering an amazing gift to one lucky viewer. Watch until the end to learn how to enter for your chance to win free admission to a Where Is My Guru online course. There are several amazing ones to choose from!
P.S. You can hang with Jessica HERE & check out the super cool things she's up to (and pick out the course you'd want to take if you win free admission!)