HOT list

BIG Magic and VIVID Visions

Happy New Year!
I'm making a bold proclamation today, to you before anyone else, and saying that I'm going to make 2016 my BEST year yet -- in business, in life, in love.
When we make bold proclamations, it sets things in motion. Unseen things that start to move in accordance with our desires and visions. But, we first have to be so brave as to say (out loud, on paper, in type) that which we desire!
Before I share, I first want to set the tone with one of my favorite quotes: "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
OK, here goes...
I'm going to offer my gifts unapologetically.
I'm going to strive for nothing less than the best I can deliver (and when I say this, I'm not talking about perfection, I'm talking about authenticity.)
I'm going to relax into my innate power and ease into the flow of life, rather than fight the current.
I'm going to align with the vivid vision I have for my life and business, and allow it to pull me forward.
I'm going to let go of obsessing about things that are beyond my control, don't matter or don't enhance my life.
I'm going to do more of what I love and attach less to the outcome.
I'm going to be more me and less who I think I should be.
I'm going to breathe, feel, and enjoy MORE.
I'm going to stress, push and harden less (and not beat myself up when I inevitably slip up.)
I'm going to do more things that sounds like fun in my life and business.
I'm going to honor creative ideas when they arrive in my life.
I'm going to smile more, kiss my husband more, hug my baby girl more, and laugh more.
And, I'm going to do my best to live each day in devotion to my purpose.
Now, it's your turn :-)
I invite you to join me in making a bold proclamation for yourself. In community with the other amazing, purpose-driven women in our private Facebook groupshare one thing you're going to do (or stop doing!) in 2016 to make it YOUR best year yet. Make your bold proclamation HERE with #boldnesshasmagicinit.
This day, this month, this year is the start of a bold, brilliant new chapter, and I'm delighted to have YOU along for this unbelievable journey which has brought us together.
In case you're wondering, the title of this post was inspired by two things:
(1) The book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, by Elizabeth Gilbert, bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love -- recently finished reading it. LOVED it. (Fun Fact: EG lives not far from me and has a quirky shop filled with a unique gifts and global finds.)
(2) The Vivid Vision Workbook + Audio Guide which will enable you to craft a deep, fulfilling, aligned vision for your life and business that will PULL you forward this year. Get your copy here.
Here's to BIG Magic and VIVID Visions, this year and always.
With love, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM

December 2015 - HOT List

The holiday season is officially underway. (For me it’s ushered in with Santa arriving at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade :-)
For many of us, myself included, this time of year requests that we put a little more focus, time and energy into our personal lives -- connecting with family, friends, attending celebrations and planning gatherings -- and give our CEO brains permission to slow down a bit.
This is an important time to remember there’s an ebb and flow to life. And, I'm here to tell you that it’s OK to put more emphasis on loved ones this time of year and give yourself time off and away from your business. It’s actually vital to your peace of mind, success and happiness. Otherwise, the holiday season just feels like a long list of to-dos piled onto your already busy schedule.
But, if we instead embrace this season as an opportunity to find harmony (not necessarily balance!) between our lives and businesses, we can emerge on the other side in 2016 feeling replenished and reconnected instead of frazzled and exhausted.
The reason I say harmony and not balance is that harmony encompasses the ebb and flow. It encourages us to move in response to our lives and not harden in rigidity against it.
If you want to make this holiday season the most fulfilling one yet, I suggest that you make time to be with loved ones, make time for yourself and make time for gratitude for all the good things 2015 brought you. (Do that, and the business will take care of itself!)
In honor of the season of giving, I have three things that you should give to yourself.

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.

This book will change your life if you let it.
In it, Hendricks explains that we all have a threshold for feeling good, and when we hit that limit in any area of our life (work, relationship, etc.), we have a way of self-sabotaging in order to bring us down into our “comfort zone”.
If you want to feel good on a daily basis and increase your capacity for abundance, success and love in all directions, this is a must-read. If you’re a personal development junkie like me, this book has to find its way to your nightstand!
Order a copy as a little pre-holiday gift for yourself. (You can thank me later :-)


I meditated daily for nearly 2 years up until my daughter was born last October. When she arrived, I gave myself permission to take a break (because it was feeling like another to-do for a tired new mama). But, now that she’s over a year old, I’ve recommitted to my practice, and it honestly feels better than ever.
The first time I sat on my cushion after my hiatus, it felt like coming home. In the dark morning quiet I sat, following my inhales and exhales and then completed a future self meditation (one of my favorites). Before I knew it, over 20 minutes had passed (it felt like mere minutes), and I decided then and there that meditation had to be reintegrated into my life.
If you’ve ever tried or considered meditation, but haven’t yet committed to it, I urge you to consider giving yourself this gift. We all need time to center, reconnect with ourselves and just be without the pressures and stresses of daily life infiltrating our mind space. Meditation can give you that. And, if you’re able to sit in the morning (which I highly recommend), it will change your outlook and thoughts for the entire day!
Plus, I've noticed that EVERY successful, inspiring person I admire meditates. Every single one. There's got to be something to that, right?!
When you meditate regularly, you’ll start to function from a place of possibility and hope rather than stress or lack, and you’ll feel more like yourself. You'll be clearer in your efforts, more focused in your life and business and feel more positive about all areas of your life. It's really remarkable. 
Next week, I’m going to share more details of my favorite meditation with you, but until then, I recommend that you carve out at least 5 minutes each day to sit in a quiet spot and enjoy your calm, steady breath.

Your Highest Potential.

2016 is just around the corner, and every new year is a time for goal setting, self-reflection and big picture thinking. It’s a time to look forward and devise a plan for attaining your highest goals and aligning with your highest self.
If you’re ready to bring your best self to the forefront and live each day (professionally and personally) in alignment with your fullest potential, I would love to work with you in the new year.
My clients are amazing. They are passionate, driven, inspiring women who I am honored to know and coach. They have BIG dreams for their lives, and they do everything in their power to make those visions come to life -- and they do!
Everything you imagine is possible. You were given those dreams within you for a reason. They are yours to pursue; to pull you toward your fullest potential and highest self.
If there’s a fire in you that is ready play bigger and burn brighter, capitalize on it! Fires don’t last forever -- they eventually burn out. Realize that fire within you is telling you it’s time to step up, claim the success you desire and deserve, and live in the fullness of who you are every single day.
Feeling ready to do that?
Let’s set up a time to chat about how we can make that happen for you in 2016! Give yourself the gift of living your fullest potential in the new year and every year thereafter. Click HERE to schedule a complimentary consultation.
You are brilliant, amazing and talented. I know that! Now, say that to yourself and feel it in your body. Live with that knowledge every day, and know it’s the truth!
In this season of giving, be as kind and generous to yourself as you are to others. You deserve it my friend.
With love + admiration, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM

HOT List - November 2015

This is a big month for me. I'm turning 30 on November 19th.
I'm really excited for this next decade. My 20s were great, but there were a lot of rough patches, too.
I spent 7 years trying to figure out "my thing" without anything really working. I had moments when I was riddled with self-doubt, left questioning myself, my business, everything. I was naive and thought things should happen faster. But, I'm beginning to realize as I approach this next phase that the lessons I've learned were necessary and needed, and every "detour" was an essential one to bring me to this moment. Here with you.
There were, of course, ridiculously wonderful highs both personally and professionally, as well.
I married my amazingly supportive husband, our beautiful daughter was born, and I'm now so much more confident and clear in my business. A kind of confidence that I didn't even realize existed 5 or 10 years ago.
Overnight successes rarely exist. What we don't see are the years and years of dedication, the work, the highs and the lows. Do not get down on yourself if you're not where you thought you'd be in your business or in your life at this moment in time. This moment is just that, a moment. It's fleeting. Embrace it for what it is. Be thankful for all that you have (and will have). To quote a very smart lady, Marie Forleo, "Trust the timing of your life."
Everything is unfolding just as it should. You're on the swiftest, best path for you.
As I move into this next decade, one thing I know for sure is that the more I remain in the here and now, the more I live in and am grateful for this moment, the happier I am.
And, happiness is kind of the point of it all...isn't it?
On this month's HOT List I'm sharing resources that have helped my on my journey. I hope they serve you as well.

Mindset Reset Challenge

The most powerful tool we possess is our mind.
This is something I was taught early on in life (thanks Mom and Dad!), but have come to understand on a far deeper level over the past decade.
For me personally, the most profound change in my business came when I worked on my mindsetWhen I took the time to really investigate what I was saying to myself day-in and day-out about myself, my business, my potential, and the viability of my dreams.
When I tuned into the frequency of my thoughts, I realized I was too often living in a place of worry and lack. Even though I envisioned BIG things for myself, my inner dialogue wasn't consistently aligned with that vision.
Nothing profound, impactful and world changing ever came from living in a place of fear.
I realized that if I wanted my business to flourish and truly serve people, I could not remain small. I had to own my potential and live it every day.
Resetting your mindset is a daily practice. It's not something you address once, and you're good. You need to make space in your life to actively up-level your frequency so that you start living your fullest potential TODAY, not tomorrow or someday when you "make it".
With that in mind, I've put together a free 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge starting Monday, November 16th. During this 5-day Mindset Reset, you'll receive a daily teaching or tool that will enable you to realize your fullest potential, own it and start living it.
It's my birthday gift to YOU. May it be the catalyst that changes the course of your life for good!
Join the Mindset Reset Challenge HERE.


I've gotten back into journaling lately. It's something that I've explored off and on again, and every time I come back to it, it feels like coming home.


If you have never journaled or haven't in a while, I strongly recommend you begin if you're interested in resetting your mindset to embrace the success that is YOURS for the taking.
Journaling gives you a window into your inner workings. When you transcribe your thoughts, feelings, ambitions onto paper in your own handwriting transformation can (and will) start to take place.
Especially if you're joining the Mindset Reset Challenge, I highly suggest that you get yourself a beautiful, NEW journal that you dedicate to this work of personal and professional development.

Money Affirmations

Can't wait for the Mindset Reset Challenge to kick off in a week and a half? Get a jumpstart on resetting your money mindset with 200 abundance affirmations.
I first heard about these particular affirmations from super-successful business coach, Emily Williams, founder of I Heart My Life. They're the ones she used to skyrocket her business to 6-figures in 6 months, and they're the ones I listen to as well.
Check them out here.
What we BELIEVE, we bring about. 
If you believe with unwavering faith that you'll reach your fullest potential, change lives and be extremely successful doing what you love, you will. It won't necessarily be quick or even easy, but it WILL happen. I can guarantee it.
The best investment you can possibly make is self-belief. You have everything you need to reach your dreams.
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. The 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge kicks-off on Monday, November 16th. If you're ready to live your fullest potential every day, join the challenge now, and get the tools you need to make it happen!



The HOT List - September 2015

We’re on the cusp of my favorite season. Fall.
No matter how old I get, my calendar still follows the school year. So, September always feels like the start of something new. Something exciting.
Yes. I was one of those kids who’d religiously check the mail EVERY DAY prior to the start of school eagerly awaiting the envelope that would contain my teacher assignment and classmates for the new school year.
And, this year is no different. The inaugural show of The Clarity Confessions kicked off in August, and I have all the fall shows already lined up for you. And, they are AWESOME.
Over the next few months, you’ll learn the business secrets of branding experts, TEDx speakers, bestselling authors, and industry leaders. Really, really good stuff.
(If you haven’t already, you can sign-up for the show HERE & gain immediate access to the latest Clarity Confession with Where Is My Guru founder, Jessica Durivage.)
September, for me, is the perfect time to set up my launching pad for the new year. (Yes, believe it or not 2016 is just a few short months away.) I look at the goals I set for myself and my business this year, and evaluate what I can do in this last quarter to set myself up for the best possible entrance into the new year so that I can hit the ground running!
If you’re like me and are feeling like September’s calling you to buckle down and get back on track with your business goals after the summer, I invite you to set up a complimentary Clarity Consultation with me to see if working together is the right way to set you up for BIG wins in 2016.
With business buckling-down in mind, here are a few things that’re making my business + life easier these days. I hope they do the same for you!

Tools I’m Digging…

I love business tools that are user-friendly, convenient, beautiful and FREE, and these two babies hit the spot.
To keep my calendar organized (and pretty!), I’ve switched over to Calendly. It syncs with Google Calendar, Outlook and other platforms, and allows clients and contacts to schedule time with me -- and I can be completely hands-off! Calendly lists your availability so your client can pick the day/time that’s best for them. It then shoots you both an email, puts the event on your calendar and sends reminders prior to the booking. So helpful.
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The other tool I’m crushing on is Typeform. It’s becoming a more and more popular way to build attractive, easy-to-use (and fun-to-use) forms and surveys. Create contact forms, questionnaires, surveys, order forms, evaluations, etc. etc. etc. Even better, you can then share your creation via email, pop-up, with a link or embed it directly on your website. Fabulous! (You can see how I'm using Typeform here.)

What I’m Having Fun With…

Get-to-know-you calls.
To be completely honest, phone calls used to be the bane of my existence. I hated “wasting time” on the phone.
But, I’ve turned a corner, and now I really enjoy getting on the phone (or on Skype) for get-to-know-you calls with potential business friends and my community.
Why? Because I LOVE hearing about people’s businesses, the amazing things they’re up to and what’s on the horizon for them.
I love idea hashing, brainstorming, offering (and receiving) advice, and talking to people who really and truly get what it’s like to be an entrepreneur -- the highs AND the lows.
If talking to your community and fellow entrepreneurs isn’t currently on your to-do list, I strongly encourage you to consider making time for this activity. The insight you’ll gain to improve your business is immeasurable.
Plus, you’ll be totally jazzed after a good call -- your motivation will be through the roof!

Who I’m Intrigued By…

Jessica Nazarali. The It Girl Coach.
She’s on online business expert for new coaches, and she honestly just seems like a super fun girl to hang out with.
Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 12.46.22 PMHer deal? She travels the world while working 1x1 with clients and also hosting live events and meet-ups for budding coaches. Fun!
Plus, her business is booming -- she made over $350K in the first half of 2015 (impressive, I know!) all while visiting far-off cities and enjoying a lifestyle that she loves with her husband.
Definitely someone to check out and be inspired by.

And Finally, What I’m Eating…

Trader Joe’s Curry Sauce. Yum.
My sister introduced this sauce to me a few weeks back, and it’s delicious.
For all you busy entrepreneurs out there with limited time to pull together a delicious, healthy meal, you need to stock some of this stuff in your pantry.
For a super quick dinner, I like to prep a spaghetti squash, toss in extra veggies (like peppers, onions and snow peas) and then add in Trader Joe’s Curry Sauce. So very tasty.
That rounds out September’s HOT List.
If you enjoy any of this month’s HOT List items, let me know about in the comments below, on Twitter @CailenAscher, or in the Facebook Group.
Have some fun stuff you’re lovin’ on lately? Let me know. I’d love to check it out!
Happy September! xo,

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P.S. Missed out on last month’s HOT List? There was a must-read book, top places to connect with like-minded, purpose-driven entrepreneurs and suggestions for giving yourself a little me-time. Find it HERE.