
A Gift for You - My Favorite Meditation Practice

I promised you last week that I would share more details of my favorite meditation with you.
This is the meditation I do nearly every morning, and it has had a profound impact on me personally and professionally. Some benefits being...feeling all-around happier, more grounded, and more successful, as well as feeling aligned with my creativity, innate potential and purpose.
In short, it’s a winner.
As a pre-holiday gift for you, I want to share this practice which has been so meaningful and transformative for me.
I’ve recorded a version of this meditation for you to enjoy. It’s only 8 minutes in length and will leave you feeling calm, clear and confident in your abilities to become the very best version of yourself both professionally and personally.
Unwrap the Purpose-full Self Meditation HERE.


Meditations work best (as do all personal development tools) when they are practiced.
My suggestion?
Give yourself the gift of 8 minutes of daily calm, quiet time. We ALL can give 8 minutes of time to ourselves. We all have that choice.
From now until the new year, I invite you to sit with me each day. Give yourself that gift! You deserve it.
Share your commitment! Click to tweet: I’m meditating my way to the best new year ever! Join me. #MindsetMatters #Gift #ForMe
Let’s ring in 2016 feeling powerful, purpose-full and full of potential!
With love, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM

Clarity Confession with Laura Dos Santos of She Oms

Confession: “It took me a lot less time than I expected for my business to be profitable. You always hear it takes 3 or 5 years, but because I invested in a team of support right off the bat, She Oms was profitable much, much sooner.” - Laura Dos Santos, founder of She Oms
Laura is a branding expert for wellness warriors and spirit supporters who has nearly a decade of experience in marketing and branding. She married her corporate experience and passion for yoga and the healing arts and founded She Oms where she and her team teach entrepreneurs how to show up confidently and courageously as brands.
During her Clarity Confession, she reveals her formula for success -- surrounding herself with a team to help her achieve her mission of empowering female-preneurs to deliver their brands to the world. Without that support from the get-go, Laura admits she would not have the business she has today. (Definitely a valuable lesson for us solopreneurs who think we can do it all ourselves!)
In this month’s Clarity Confession, Laura took the hot seat and held nothing back.
Watch to learn…
  • The 3 Shared Traits of ALL Successful Brands - and how you can build them into yours
  • Why Laura's rise to entrepreneurial success was easier and more rapid than she expected (and how yours can be too)
  • The mindset shift you need to make in order to harness the flow of abundance
  • How Laura schedules her days for maximum productivity (and why she NEVER answers the phone on Mondays)
  • How to win Laura's $200 Digital Branding Course - All You Need is Brand - for FREE
To enter for a chance to win Laura's awesome course, All You Need is Brand, be sure to watch until the end to learn how to enter. Trust me, you're gonna want in on this.
Check out Laura's Clarity Confession below.
Tweetworthy: You NEED to own your success. No caveats or apologies. That's how you tap into abundance @SheOMs via @CailenAscher
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. Wanna say "hi" to Laura? (You should! She's really cool.) You can find her at

HOT List - November 2015

This is a big month for me. I'm turning 30 on November 19th.
I'm really excited for this next decade. My 20s were great, but there were a lot of rough patches, too.
I spent 7 years trying to figure out "my thing" without anything really working. I had moments when I was riddled with self-doubt, left questioning myself, my business, everything. I was naive and thought things should happen faster. But, I'm beginning to realize as I approach this next phase that the lessons I've learned were necessary and needed, and every "detour" was an essential one to bring me to this moment. Here with you.
There were, of course, ridiculously wonderful highs both personally and professionally, as well.
I married my amazingly supportive husband, our beautiful daughter was born, and I'm now so much more confident and clear in my business. A kind of confidence that I didn't even realize existed 5 or 10 years ago.
Overnight successes rarely exist. What we don't see are the years and years of dedication, the work, the highs and the lows. Do not get down on yourself if you're not where you thought you'd be in your business or in your life at this moment in time. This moment is just that, a moment. It's fleeting. Embrace it for what it is. Be thankful for all that you have (and will have). To quote a very smart lady, Marie Forleo, "Trust the timing of your life."
Everything is unfolding just as it should. You're on the swiftest, best path for you.
As I move into this next decade, one thing I know for sure is that the more I remain in the here and now, the more I live in and am grateful for this moment, the happier I am.
And, happiness is kind of the point of it all...isn't it?
On this month's HOT List I'm sharing resources that have helped my on my journey. I hope they serve you as well.

Mindset Reset Challenge

The most powerful tool we possess is our mind.
This is something I was taught early on in life (thanks Mom and Dad!), but have come to understand on a far deeper level over the past decade.
For me personally, the most profound change in my business came when I worked on my mindsetWhen I took the time to really investigate what I was saying to myself day-in and day-out about myself, my business, my potential, and the viability of my dreams.
When I tuned into the frequency of my thoughts, I realized I was too often living in a place of worry and lack. Even though I envisioned BIG things for myself, my inner dialogue wasn't consistently aligned with that vision.
Nothing profound, impactful and world changing ever came from living in a place of fear.
I realized that if I wanted my business to flourish and truly serve people, I could not remain small. I had to own my potential and live it every day.
Resetting your mindset is a daily practice. It's not something you address once, and you're good. You need to make space in your life to actively up-level your frequency so that you start living your fullest potential TODAY, not tomorrow or someday when you "make it".
With that in mind, I've put together a free 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge starting Monday, November 16th. During this 5-day Mindset Reset, you'll receive a daily teaching or tool that will enable you to realize your fullest potential, own it and start living it.
It's my birthday gift to YOU. May it be the catalyst that changes the course of your life for good!
Join the Mindset Reset Challenge HERE.


I've gotten back into journaling lately. It's something that I've explored off and on again, and every time I come back to it, it feels like coming home.


If you have never journaled or haven't in a while, I strongly recommend you begin if you're interested in resetting your mindset to embrace the success that is YOURS for the taking.
Journaling gives you a window into your inner workings. When you transcribe your thoughts, feelings, ambitions onto paper in your own handwriting transformation can (and will) start to take place.
Especially if you're joining the Mindset Reset Challenge, I highly suggest that you get yourself a beautiful, NEW journal that you dedicate to this work of personal and professional development.

Money Affirmations

Can't wait for the Mindset Reset Challenge to kick off in a week and a half? Get a jumpstart on resetting your money mindset with 200 abundance affirmations.
I first heard about these particular affirmations from super-successful business coach, Emily Williams, founder of I Heart My Life. They're the ones she used to skyrocket her business to 6-figures in 6 months, and they're the ones I listen to as well.
Check them out here.
What we BELIEVE, we bring about. 
If you believe with unwavering faith that you'll reach your fullest potential, change lives and be extremely successful doing what you love, you will. It won't necessarily be quick or even easy, but it WILL happen. I can guarantee it.
The best investment you can possibly make is self-belief. You have everything you need to reach your dreams.
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. The 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge kicks-off on Monday, November 16th. If you're ready to live your fullest potential every day, join the challenge now, and get the tools you need to make it happen!



The HOT List - August 2015

Summertime can be both good and bad for business.
I’ll explain...
In one way, having down time can be great. You get a chance to restock your business reserves, read books (business or otherwise), get ready for the fall pick-up and reconnect with family and friends. Good stuff.
On the other hand, the slow down can result in worry and anxiety as the influx of people, money and ideas slows, and you’re left with (too much) time to think about and question your business. “What am I doing? Did I really think this would work?” Dangerous territory.
If you’re anything like me, you likely pendulum between the two -- one moment you’re reveling in family time and in the next you’re having a minor freak out because you heard (once again), please be in touch again in the fall.
And then something hit me...if everyone else is slowing down, taking time off and letting things “coast” a bit until September, then it’s not a horrible thing if I do that too.
Not saying that I’m gonna sit on the back porch with my feet up all day (though that does sounds appealing). But, if there’s any time of year when there’s a collective slow down, it’s now, so why not enjoy it a little bit more?
For me that means enjoying mid-day walks with my little girl, coffee breaks with my husband on the days he works from home, and the occasional girls’ lunch date with friends.
It means not taking myself or my business so seriously and having more FUN with it. Being playful. Curious. Open-hearted and optimistic. And, engaging with like-minded entrepreneurs who get it -- like you!
It also means working on stuff that truly matters and letting go of the “busy” stuff that makes me feel like I’m doing something, but actually gets nothing much accomplished. Things like checking emails 40x a day or getting sucked down the Google rabbit hole.
Whether you’re feeling the summer slow down in a good or not-so-good way, I’m calling for a collective deep breath to ground you in the here and now so that you can remind yourself why you got started with your business in the first place.
(I’ll wait while you enjoy that. Ahhhhhhhhhhh :-)
I’m feeling better already. You?
Here are some of the things I’ll be enjoying that made the August 2015 HOT List.

On my nightstand.

Dream Year by Ben Arment.

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I’ll admit I’m only about a quarter of the way through at this point, but so far it’s a pretty good read. Arment talks about how each of us, because of our unique background, skills, education, has something that only we can deliver to the world. So, we can either spend our lives working to help someone else achieve their dream, or set out on our own to manifest our own. The one thing I take issue with is the negative tone his copy has at times. He uses words like “frustrations” and “fears” again and again, which are a little depressing for my taste, but the underlying message is a good one.

When I’m feeling like a lonely-preneur.

I’ve been loving the supportive interaction that I’ve found in Facebook Groups lately. It’s a great place to go for community, feedback, answers to business questions and to find some business best friends.
One caution: go with a purpose. Don’t just hop from one group to the next to the next haphazardly, go with a question you need an answer to or to connect with members in a real way -- like setting up a 15min Skype date to mastermind.
A few groups that I particularly like are Dreamers//Doers, Savvy Business Owners and, of course, Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs.
Feeling like a lonely-preneur? Learn how to find, woo & form real, lasting relationships with some Business BFFs here.

When it’s time for a break.

I go for a walk with Leona (who’s 10 months old now!). Even if it’s just a 15 minute stroll around the neighborhood, I always return to my work refreshed and more focused.
Breaks are essential -- they ARE NOT a luxury. We all need them, so give yourself that gift. Whether it be a quick 10 minute walk, a 30 minute yoga DVD, a cup of tea on the porch or a 90 minute massage (yes, please!).
Tip: If you’re not great about giving yourself down-time, schedule in breaks throughout your day. Try not to stare at your computer screen for more than 60 minutes without giving yourself at least 5 minutes to get up, walk around and look at something other than your laptop.

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I know it’s a bit cliche, but we’ve only got this one life. We can spend it stressed out, rushing around, feeling like we need to do/be more. Or, we can choose to move through life differently. We can slow down, be present, kiss our spouses/kids/pets, take (mini) breaks, do things we like once in a while and live the good life now.
There is only one summer month left til September arrives. Do your very best to enjoy it.
If you enjoy any of this month’s HOT List items, let me know about in the comments below, on Twitter @CailenAscher, or in the Facebook Group.
Have some fun stuff you’re lovin’ on lately? Let me know. I’d love to check it out!
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P.S. Missed last month’s HOT List? There was some booty-shaking goodness & a recipe for a delicious must-try cocktail. (Everyone that I make it for LOVES it!!) Check it HERE.