Why I Said NO to Making More Money

Why I Said NO to Making More Money

Nearly every day on Facebook there’s another story of an “overnight success” who went from making nothing to 6-figures in her first year of business.

Now, I’m not here to rail against those stories -- they’re eye catching, inspirational and often have a few helpful nuggets to walk away with. (And hey, if you have a story that’ll turn heads, I say share it!)

But, the story I want to share with you today is a little different, it’s the tale of why I said NO to making more money in my business.

Now, with the aim of transparency, I’ll be totally truthful and say that I’ve had a fantastic year in my business.

After 7 loooong years of serial entrepreneurship, when I found Business Clarity and rebranded as a Clarity Coach in May of 2015, things took off. And perhaps, my story could have looked like an “overnight success” from the outside, but there was nearly a decade of trial and error, tears and triumphs that went into it.

Yes, I’ve had a fantastic year and am on track to make well over 6-figures, but I could have made a lot more -- I just chose not to.

5 Ways to Find Success Today

5 Ways to Find Success Today

I’ve talked to hundreds of women about what success looks like -- and (surprise, surprise!) every single one of them has a different answer!

It’s kind of funny that “success”, a term we throw around quite a bit in the online business space, is actually extremely personal and very nuanced.

Success for me isn’t success for you. One isn’t better, one isn’t worse. They’re just different because we’re different.

The problem is, too many of us are holding ourselves to someone else’s standard of success and haven’t taken the time (or given ourselves the permission) to define what success really means for us.

So, how do we do that?

Building a Business is Like a Great Meal {+ super exciting announcement!}

Happy Wednesday! {exciting announcement below} The other day, a thought struck me: building a business is like a great meal. It's about the enjoyment of the unfolding, not getting to the end.

808Ok, so let me explain...

If you're anything like me (and I think you might just be), you're constantly feeling like there's another level of success, business achievement or clarity to get to.

No matter how far you've come or how much you've accomplished, there's still a hunger. A desire for more. For better. For bigger.

The desire, though it undoubtedly serves you (high-achiever that you are), it can be a double-edged sword.

Yes, it calls you to play bigger, put yourself out there, keep going. But, if you don't watch out, it could leave you feeling constantly anxious to get "there" and totally unsatisfied here and now.

But, if I were to ask you, what's the point of a great meal?

It's about the enjoying of the meal -- the journey -- right?! It's not about getting to the end! (This concept really hit home with me because delicious date nights are one of my greatest pleasures in life. Give me tasty tapas + uncork some wine, and I'm a happy girl!)

Same goes for your business. The beauty, the enjoyment, the pleasure is in the day-to-day unfolding. The becoming of who you're meant to be.

It's not just about getting "there". Besides, when you do get "there", because you will -- you're too determined not to -- there's going to be a new place you've got your sights set on further down the road. It's just how it goes!

I'm realizing this in a big way right now as I work with an amazingly talented designer to totally revamp CailenAscher.com. Sure, I'm super excited to see how the final result comes together, but I am just so freakin' thrilled about the whole process. I'm savoring it, and loving every minute of it!

To see the entire "Website Inspiration" Pinterest Board I created for my designer,

click here.

So, the next time you find yourself wishing time away because you're so very hungry to get "there", remember the most pleasure you'll ever get from a great meal is in those delicious bites along the way.

Don't rush through it! Savor.



With love,

**Super special announcement**

I'm so excited to share this big news with you! CailenAscher.com is getting a brand new look. I'm working with Hello Big Idea to completely revamp the look of the site, and make it the visual and experiential equivalent of Clarity.

Click here to see the "Website Inspiration" Pinterest Board I created for my designer.

The MOST Important Question to Ask Yourself About Success


You’re a big-thinker. It’s why you’re here.

You want success. So do I.

You deserve success. We all do.

You picture your success. I know you do, because I picture mine too. All the time.

For me, the BIG vision encompasses...

  • A custom-designed home that my husband and I build together
  • A thriving business serving MILLIONS
  • Plenty of time, money & energy for family, friends, travel, new experiences, and things we love and would enjoy

Perhaps yours looks somewhat similar. Perhaps not.

So, let me share a few more nuances to really give you the flavor of my version of success.

More specifically, my success includes…

  • A home yoga & meditation studio with a big picture window overlooking our sprawling backyard
  • A beautiful home office with clean white walls, wide-open desk for creating, and state-of-the-art audio recording equipment (more on this in the near future ::wink wink::)
  • A large kitchen with long marble-topped island and sitting area with fireplace
  • Traveling for weeks-on-end to far-off places and experiencing new cultures, great food and unplugged time with loved ones
  • A gorgeous virtual hub (read NEW website!) that is breathtaking & elegant and delivers Clarity to everyone who visits
  • Book deal. (‘nuff said)

That’s my version of success. When I picture it, it makes me happy. Ridiculously happy. Like smiling ear-to-ear kind of happy. And, perhaps elements of it even spoke to you too.

But, success is very personal.When you start fleshing out the nuances, yours will likely look VERY different from mine. And that’s GOOD! That’s how it’s supposed to be.

There is no one version of success that is right for everyone. It varies person to person. It’s like a fingerprint. Your DNA. It’s one-of-a-kind and completely unique. As are you :-)

Yet, I see far too many women not taking the time to truly discover what success means to them. (Not to their mom, friend, sister, mentor, neighbor.)

You think success NEEDS to include a 7-figure business, a jet-setting lifestyle and luxury brands. And, for you, it may. Or it may not. There is no right or wrong.

The only thingyour version of success needs to be is totally, utterly and unapologetically yours.

[Tweet "The only thing your version of success needs to be is totally, utterly and unapologetically yours. #DoseofClarity @cailenascher http://calmbiz.com/the-most-important-question-to-ask-yourself-about-success/"][Click to tweet this #DoseOfClarity]

It can look however you want it to and be as grand or as simple as you like.  

Your success is just that, yours.

Here’s what I’d love for you to do...

Take a minute (seriously, just 60 seconds, right now. Set your phone timer if you need to) to visualize what yoursuccess looks like. You’ll know you’re zeroing in on the right elements for you when you feel pure excitement.

Now that you’ve done that, it’s time for the MOST important question you can possibly ask yourself about your success.

It’s one that I ask all of the women I work with, and I’m going to ask it of you now:

What does success feel like?

Look underneath the income, behind the home, inside the business.

What does it FEEL like there?

Is it bold and brilliant? Quiet and contemplative? Harmonious and happy?

Does it feel like peace or love? Or excitement and adventure? Do you feel generous, prosperous or abundant -- or all three?

Mine out the feelings of your success.

Because...the journey has to align with the destination.

If for you success feels like ease, joy and abundance, you CANNOT get there by feeling rushed, worried and overwhelmed. It simply will not happen.

So, here’s the plan. Super simple.

Focus on the way success feels and do more things that make you feel that way.

Hold yourself to this lovely new commitment by sharing what success feels like for you with the rest of The Clarity Crew in our private FB group. 

Remember: The journey has to align with the destination.

With love, Cailen