om monday: law of attraction

sometimes, you have to just move forward, even though all the steps aren't clear.  recently, i was accepted into yogadharma - a yoga teacher training program.  if you've ever looked into teacher training, you know it can be expensive, and this program was no exception.  with our upcoming wedding, it didn't feel like the appropriate time to pursue my certification, though i wanted to so badly.

when weighing the options, craig came to me and said, "you have to do this.  you'll regret it if you don't".  with his support, the choice seemed easy and obvious, and i applied the next day.

the day after i was accepted, i received an email from a former writing client saying that they could use me on a regular basis, 1-2 days a week.  i.e. steady, reliable income.  music to my ears as a freelancer.

it's crazy how things like that happen.  you move closer to your goal/dream/passion, and suddenly your current reality shifts to support it.  the law of attraction at work.

have you ever experienced the law of attraction in your life?

[all images are of my teacher, amy, from yogadharma]
