biz: social media savvy for yogis - podcast!

hello all!  check out my (first ever!!!) podcast below to hear all about my newest biz venture, CALM biz, and how it can help you become a more successful, media-savvy yoga professional!

 Listen to internet radio with Cailen Ascher Lifestyle Maven on Blog Talk Radio


yogi: what is ujjayi breathing?

in this short video i explain what exactly ujjayi breath is, and why it's used in yoga!  hope you enjoy -- and maybe learn something, too!
if you have any yoga topics you're interested in learning more about, post a comment below, or email me at


yogi: why set an intention?

if you've ever wondered why you're encouraged to set an intention or dedication at the beginning of your yoga practice, wonder no more.  watch my 2 minute video that will clear up any confusion :-)
