om monday: set down your goals

on friday i sat down and worked on my business goals for 2012.  last week i came across a great outline to follow, which gave me a lot of guidance and much-needed clarity.  because, you have to admit, though goal-setting often starts as an uplifting, motivating activity, it can often descend into overwhelming drudgery quite quickly.  so, with the outline as my guide, i set forth to set down in writing my lofty (but not completely ridiculous) biz goals for 2012. 

there's something about putting your aspirations on paper that makes them feel instantly more real & attainable.  and, not only did i set down my goals, which is all well and good, but i also listed step-by-step ways to go about achieving them.  i think that's the step that i often miss.  i love thinking, dreaming and fantasizing about my goals and how wonderful it will be when i reach them, but then i float onward without real direction.  often getting led (slightly) astray.

the new year is just over 2 weeks away.  instead of hurriedly thinking about your goals (i.e. resolutions) on new year's day, take this time to mull it over.  with all the hustle and bustle these next few weeks, take a few quiet moments to contemplate and set down the things that you would most like to achieve this year.  what would bring you true happiness?

and, whether it's a business idea, a health makeover or a new skill you wish to acquire, think about the necessary steps to make it happen.  it will be what you make it.


brand building & giveaway

[before i sure to pop over to makeunder my life to check out my diy design your life post]

do any of you watch bethenny ever after (previously: bethenny getting married?) on bravo?  well, i almost hate to admit it, but i am strangely obsessed with that show.  a former "real housewife of nyc", bethenny frankel is a successful entrepreneur - she's written several books, has a "skinny girl" margarita line of products and also has the reality tv show.  busy lady.  (blatant teaser: keep reading...there's a giveaway : )

skinnygirl margarita

i think what has me utterly fascinated is how successfully bethenny (yes, we're on a first-name basis) has built her brand.  (and, let's face it, that's pretty much what the blogosphere is all about - building a brand, a persona, a voice.)  the cool thing about being your own brand is that it's completely self-defined.  you decide what you stand for, what you talk about and what you endorse.  you become a revered expert just by discussing/trying/doing things that you love or are interested in learning more about.  pretty cool.

credit {here}

as i've said before, that is what i'm working on here at lifestyle maven.  one step at a time.  i know it will take a while.  kim kardashian, martha stewart and bethenny frankel didn't become "brands" overnight.  it took time.  it took effort.  but, they also prove, it can be done. 

i read a great book called crush it! by gary vaynerchuk.  and it talks all about the steps involved in building a brand.  it's an awesome read, and i would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to make blogging (i.e. their brand) their full-time job (eventually).  his step-by-step guidance really gets your wheels turning, and his advice is completely applicable and gets you totally motivated : )

this could be yours!

i would like to send one lucky reader a copy of crush it!  trust me, if you love your blog and blogging, you will not be able to put this book down.  it tells you exactly how to turn your passion into a business/brand via social media. so cool!

so...are you ready to win?  here's how to bolster your odds : )
1 point - be a follower of lifestyle maven
1 point - follow lifestyle maven on twitter
1 point - like lifestyle maven on facebook
1 point - tweet about this giveaway
2 points - add the lifestyle maven button to your blog
please leave a separate comment for each entry.  (if you grab a button, please leave two comments.)

the winner will be chosen at random next friday, march 18th : )

Lifestyle Maven


blog swap - tu parleras français

today’s post is courtesy of katherina, world-traveler extraordinaire, from 100 miles highway.  as members of 20 something bloggers, we’re both participating in our first-ever blog swap.  very exciting!  so, we were tasked with writing posts about what we want to do in 2011 that we’ve been putting off for too long.  (i’m sure many of you can relate…)  so without further ado, enjoy katherina’s guest post.  c’est magnifique!  ...and when you’re  done, check out my guest post {here}.

picture credit {here}

2011 is less than two weeks away and I’m starting to feel the usual pressure of the common “new year, new life” therapy. Every year, I start with a big list of resolutions which I firmly believe in, but then, life gets in the way of my plans, and some of my resolutions fade away while others are conveniently transferred into the next year. This, again, leaves me with a fairly long list of resolutions that have been transferred from one year to another because they’re still changes I want or need to make, sometime (soon, I promise!).

Anyway, probably the most important of those promises I’ve been making myself in the last couple of years (yeah, I know, years!!) is to learn French. And by that, I don’t mean managing to tell the butcher if I want poulet (chicken) or bœuf (beef), but to be able to follow a conversation among a group of native French-speakers. The reason for this is simple: I’m living in la Suisse Romande (the French-speaking part of Switzerland), since a year and 4 months and am still struggling to pronounce correctly the name of my street. Ridiculous. I know. However, speaking Spanish, English and German you pretty much manage to survive anywhere needed in this country – which, up to now, has led me to postpone the French classes again and again.

What makes 2011 different? Well, first there are all those shiny French cuisine cooking books that I've been piling up in my kitchen and would love to try (but are written in French). Then, living just a 10 minutes drive from Lavaux, a wine-growing region recognized as a World heritage site by Unesco (and being the wine-lover that I am), it feels incomplete not to know how to explain the taste and smell of the wine you are actually drinking (and not knowing how to tell the waiter that it tastes like cork!). Having to ask my work colleague or friend to call my landlord or to come along with me when I go to the doctor makes me feel so dependent! It’s really getting time to know my body parts without any additional help.
I’ve finally got the point: as difficult as it might be to admit, to feel part of the country and its culture, I need to excel French - This one is going to be tough, but at least now the motivation is there!

I hope you all have a nice holiday and a happy new year, and thanks so much Cailen for allowing me to invade your blog :)

if you enjoyed her post (which i'm sure you did), be sure to check out her lovely blog {here}, where you can also enjoy the guest post i wrote for our blog swap : ).

Design Your Life!

You are the designer of your life. For better or worse. The only person keeping you from reaching your dreams is you.  Now, I know that sounds a bit "in your face", but sometimes we need to be hit with the reality in order to make a change.

So often, we stand in our own way. (I know, I hate when people tell me that, too.) We self-sabotage our best efforts and then give up, feeling like a wounded victim. But, just like we have a choice in our happiness, we have a choice with the direction our life course takes. We are the designers of our lives. Designing is a creative process, but not a haphazard, caution-to –the-wind kind of artistic endeavor. Design requires planning, thought and, yes, a bit of creativity never hurts. Also, design is meant to be fun. So often our lives become so serious, so adult. Did you know that the average adult laughs just 15 times a day? The average child laughs more than 400.  Kinda sad, isn't it?

How often have you written a life list with all the wonderful things you wish for yourself with as much gusto as you compose a grocery list? Do yourself a favor and recognize your role as the designer of your life. Write down your goals, and share them with friends and family. Do anything you can to make them more real and tangible right now! It’ll take some time, but once you see yourself in this role and begin to accept it, you’ll be gifted with an amazing power. You’ll be able to craft the life of your dreams (and also recognize what dreams are truly vital for you to follow your bliss). Our life paths are not random. We all have a gift and a purpose. Our purpose is not always clear, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth looking for and exploring. And remember, your life mission can shift, morph and change. It’s OK if what satisfied you in your twenties no longer works for you in your forties. Reevaluate and redesign. Design is an evolution. It’s constantly shifting and developing. There is no “start” and “finish”.

Happy designing!.