yogi: 5 yoga poses to boost your mood!

me doing "wild thing" -- wild thing...you make my heart sing...

earlier this week, i was featured on fit bottomed girls' blog.  this fabulously popular blog features stories and practical advice about living a fit, happy and healthy life. the ladies behind the blog tackle everything from workout reviews, to the latest fitness fashion, to the tastiest protein bars -- all of which is delivered with style and sass.

to check out the blog and yoga video that i created for them -- 5 yoga poses to boost your mood -- click {here}!

smile :-)


savor the moment

credit {here}

may 6th marked the end of my last weekend of yogadharma (my yoga teacher training).  when i began the program back in september 2011, looking ahead at the next 9 months (15 weekends in total -- fridays 5-9, saturdays 12-6, sundays 12-6) seemed like an exciting and somewhat daunting task.  and now, being on the other side of it, it seems to have passed all too quickly.

that happens so often in our lives.  we welcome something new into our lives, and for a while, it seems that it will always be there.  and we can't imagine it any other way -- forgetting what it was like before.  and then, it draws (inevitably) to a close, and we can't believe it's over.  like the blink of an eye.  and, we often find ourselves asking: could i have savored it more?  where did the time go?

when you're in the thick of it, we can take things for granted...i know i can at least.  our lives become so busy that what was once new now seems expected, and we come to anticipate it being a part of our lives.

on our yoga mats, we're encouraged to be mindful.  to still the mind (as best we can) and sink into the present moment.  it's the only moment we've got.  instead of thinking about your to-do list, or worrying about a conversation you had earlier, you're asked to breathe, settle in, and sit with whatever comes up moment by moment.

and, the beautiful thing is, the more mindful you become, the more grateful you become for what you have in your life right now at this very moment (even if it seems like it'll be there forever, or you took it for granted before). 

choose not to let a single moment pass you by unnoticed or unappreciated.  it is a choice. 

i shared the following quote with my yoga students this past week, and i'd like to share it with you now.

"if you pay attention at every moment, you form a new relationship to time.  in some magical way, by slowing down, you become more efficient, productive, and energetic, focusing without distraction directly on the task in front of you.  not only do you become immersed in the moment, you become that moment." - michael ray

choose to be where ever you are.  be the moment.

namaste : )


where does happiness come from?

credit {here}

i, like many people, can confuse true happiness with that momentary contentment that arises from getting something, achieving something, or doing something.  that passing pleasure that arises from receiving the latest tech gadget, eating a particularly delicious treat, or hearing a compliment from someone you admire.  but things such as these, though pleasurable in their own right, are not true happiness - they are ephemeral joys.

so where the heck does real, true, authentic happiness come from then?  if it doesn't come from gifts, and dinners out, and holiday celebrations?  undeniable happiness comes from connecting with your inner bliss.  have you ever had a moment when you felt like everything in your body, mind and world were aligned in perfect harmony?  you may have felt physically lighter, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.  happiness felt effortless, and even though it was a somewhat ordinary day, everything you experienced in that moment felt truly extraordinary.  in that moment, however fleeting, you were tapping into your inner bliss.  that glowing wisdom and clarity that exists within us all.  that "knowing" that everything is and will be ok, even in your darkest moments. 

it's not always an easy thing to find.  so much of our lives are lived on auto-pilot - wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed, repeat.  but bliss doesn't require you to go elsewhere and escape your routine, it asks you to move inward.  and the more you work to align your body and breath to bring mindfulness into your life, the more inexplicably blissful moments you'll cultivate.  look around your world, don't be blind to it.  be kind to yourself.  and be grateful for all your blessings.  your bliss is here and now.

i want to share with you all a poignant poem my dad shared with me earlier this week.

love after love

the time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. eat.
you will love again the stranger who was your self.
give wine. give bread. give back your heart

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
sit. feast on your life.

by derek walcott

meditation prompt for your journal or cushion:

recall a time when you felt connected to your inner bliss.
what did it feel like?
what are some things in your life that offer you glimmers of your bliss?  (for me it's yoga and good conversations with my husband :)



one of my favorite magazines is whole living.  they always have such great tips, advice and articles that encourage balanced, healthy living for both the body and the soul.  if you haven't ever picked up a copy, it's worth perusing...


the may 2011 issue had an interesting article about happiness - "it's time to flourish".  the piece said that there are 5 key components that constitute the relative level of happiness in our lives.  interesting.

positive emotion - "happiness's useful core [...] an energizing force that drives us toward the sweeter things in life"

engagement - "when we're truly engrossed in a task that demands our attention, our sense of self recedes and times feels as if it has slowed"

relationships - "our bonds with others are the best antidote to the downs of life"

meaning - "belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self"

accomplishment - "doing something notable and being acknowledged [...] for others it means setting and achieving purely personal goals"

credit {here}

i never really dissected happiness like it was something logical and scientific.  it often seems more elusive than that...but the above breakdown seems to make sense.  too often, it can feel like our happiness is out of our control.  but, if you think about it keeping in mind the 5 elements, happiness is completely within our control.  we define our happiness - and our lives for that matter - by what we engage in, the people we spend our time with and the meaning we give to it.  it's our creation.  how inspiring.  so, be happy : )

how do you create your happiness?.