foodie wednesday: vegetables & vodka

first off, i want to thank you all for your lovely words of encouragement regarding my (in)decision about taking yogadharma teacher training.  in no small part because of your feedback, i have decided to do it!  by may of 2012, i will be a certified yoga teacher : )  very exciting!

on a different (but no less exciting) note, my cookbook, vegetables & vodka, is complete!  after a lot of contemplation about the best way to distribute it, i've decided to forgo traditional paper printing and am instead offering it as a FREE ebook as a thank to all of you, my wonderful supporters.

the ebook format is much more in-line with lifestyle maven's philosophy: it's green, it's shareable, and it allows you to easily access the blogs of all the fabulous contributors that made vegetables & vodka possible.

i am so excited to share these delicious healthy dinner recipes & low-cal cocktails with all of you.  all i ask is that if you love the cookbook, share it!

cheers, mavens : )


stupid for your love

you can thank hannie (my little sis) for this post. she wrote on my facebook wall and told me i had to check out brendan james - she said his music is awesome. and as usual, she was right. (she's always finding these fabulous artists and sending them my way.) well, thanks again, baby sis.  he's great!

if you like him (and his music) check out this free download on his website!

stupid for your love enjoy : )

...and this song goes out to my steady beau...
