biz: yoga teacher etiquette

as a yoga teacher, we're in a position to set an example for our students.  the way we dress, act and speak both in and out of the studio is observed, and can affect how our students feel about and experience the practice itself.  we're our students doorway into yoga, and that role calls for a certain level of decorum.

credit {here}

this morning, i went to a studio that i had never been to before.  i arrived about 15 minutes before the start of class to find the studio dark and locked.  hmm...  5 minutes before class was supposed to start, a car pulled in -- and it was another student.  we waited by the door, and were just about to leave (since it was 5 minutes past when the class was scheduled to begin), when the instructor pulled into the lot.

she was friendly and nice, but also didn't act as if this were out of the ordinary.  after signing in and setting up, we started a good 10-15 minutes late.  it was an enjoyable practice, and i felt the slight tension/confusion begin to melt away as we gracefully moved from one posture to the next.

savasana was sweet and accompanied by a much-appreciated head and neck massage.  there was no clock in the studio, so when i got back into my car, i was surprised to see that we ended nearly 20 minutes late.  since we started late, i understand the notion of giving us a full class, but she hadn't checked with us to see if we were able to stay late.  it was fine with my schedule, but i know the other woman who took the class was headed to work afterwards.

it's important for yoga teachers to remember that their students have a life outside of the yoga studio.  be on time for your classes -- actually be early.  get the music ready, the candles lit, your mat rolled out and be ready to welcome students as they enter.  end on time -- you don't know what your students are up to or where they're headed afterwards, so show them respect by ending on time.  if you feel like you need extra time or might go over, let them know, and give them the option to leave.

i know that yoga's more about intuition and feeling than time tables and schedules, but if you consistently disregard these professional courtesies, your students will likely resent you or even choose to forgo your class (or yoga) altogether.  give them the best possible first impression -- and subsequent impressions.  you're the face of "yoga" for many of them -- do it justice :-)


biz: essentials steps to build your yoga biz

are you feeling unclear about what to do now that you've completed teacher training?if you're a new teacher, fresh out of teacher training, it can be a little overwhelming knowing the first steps to take as a yoga professional.  but, if want yoga to be your business, not just your hobby, there are a few things you should consider -- all of which helped me to land my first clients and get my first teaching job :-)

1. build a resume -- yes, even yogis need resumes.  highlight your trainings and experience -- having an organized, professional resume will instantly put you ahead of the competition.

2. get insurance -- i know, getting insurance sounds daunting and expensive (it's neither, by the way).  most studios and gyms ask if you have it, and if you're thinking about teaching for companies, at schools, or in private homes, it's a must!

3. be social -- get online!  the web is the ultimate equalizer, so even if you're new, but have an awesome facebook page, blog, or website, you'll be taken more seriously.  plus, it will give your students (and future students) a way to connect with you!  have you ever googled a restaurant only to find it had no website, and therefore decided not to go?  'nuff said.

with a little time, and very little money, you can easily start building a foundation for your yoga biz today -- and begin living your passion!!!

if you want more yoga biz advice, check out -- or, if you have a suggestion about what biz or social media topic you'd like to learn more about, send me your ideas at
