first off, i apologize for my absence these past few days. a tree came down on our property and took out cable and internet. comcast was just restored this morning : )
ok, post time.
gorgeous day = time to fire up the grill. in my opinion, fresh grilled veggies are the perfect way to celebrate a summer evening, so the other night i decided to grill up some portabella caps, potato packets & peaches. (just realized now the lovely alliteration that was our dinner : )
our simple grilled meal was summertime on a plate, and we thoroughly enjoyed every last bite.
here’s what went down:
marinate 2 portabella caps (washed & dried) in ¼ cup italian dressing
grill on high, 4-5 minutes on each side, until caps are tender and delectable grill marks appear
potato packets
cut 1 potato, 1 zucchini and 2 large carrots into ½ inch cubes
toss veggies with 2 tbsp mustard (any kind), 1 tbsp mayo, 1 tsp chopped garlic, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, salt & pepper
divide veggies into 2-3 foil packets coated with olive oil and seal packets well so veggies don’t fall out while grilling
grill for 30-40 min until veggies are tender and lightly browned
2 peaches, halved
brush the cut surface with a bit of olive oil
grill for 3-4 min face down until grill marks caramelize
in addition to our veggie feast, i sautéed up some chicken sausage seasoned with feta and spinach. the sweet peaches with the savory sausage were fabulous!
simple summertime goodness! yum!.