beach reads

hello mavens!  i must confess, i'm usually the type who starts books but rarely follows through with them to the end - especially novels.  however, i've read (cover-to-cover) a few good books so far this summer, so i thought i'd share.

lunch in paris by elizabeth bard chronicles her life as a paris-transplant.  her enjoyable, funny writing transports you to another world (...or should i say country...) overflowing with delicious food, good wine and, of course, romance.  'nuff said.

the hunger games by suzanne collins is not the type of book i typically go far.  set in the (not-too-distant) future, the usa has transformed into panem - a dark and dissatisfied country comprised of 12 districts.  every year, the capitol, the only thriving city, hosts the "hunger games".  the games are meant to remind the districts of their inferiority by requiring 2 teens from every district to the death.  the winning district is then rewarded with food, money and supplies.  ok, if you're rolling your eyes, i totally understand.  but, all i can say is everyone...and i mean everyone...who has read this book LOVES it.  every chapter ends with a cliff hanger that makes you read on.  it's a quick, easy read and just perfect for the beach.  (bonus: if you love this book, it's the first of a trilogy, so read on.  i'm 3/4 of the way through catching fire, the 2nd of the trilogy now.  and it's goooood.)

this one's an oldie but a goodie.  peyton place by grace metalious is pretty much a soap-opera style, page turner.  the story follows a young girl in a small connecticut town.  seems innocent enough, right?  but each chapter takes you behind the towns people's closed doors and believe me, it's anything but innocent...  written in the 1950s, this book was completely scandalous in its day and was banned from a lot of libraries and book stores.  you intrigued yet?  (confession: i actually just finished the sequel, return to peyton place, but obviously, you have to read this one first...)
ok, so there you have it, my summer reading list.  after catching fire, i think i'll read the 3rd book in the hunger games series, mockingjay, and then...who knows...
do you have any good book suggestions for me?


what's in store?

2011 is here.  can you believe it?  another new year filled with countless possibilities & endless opportunities lies before us.  with every new year, i find myself asking what i want from this new year, this fresh start.  i feel overwhelmed (in a good way) with the unknowns that lie before me and sense that i'm on the cusp of something fresh, new and magical.

what will 2011 bring me?  i know a few of the wonderful things that are in store already: a trip to california with friends to visit another friend, a dear friend's wedding, a cousins' vacation to north carolina, our wedding & honeymoon, to name just a few.  for my business?  a recently acquired staff writer job at a marketing firm, finishing and hopefully publishing my next book, new clients.

my new book, the champagne season

i'm not a huge proponent of "new year's resolutions" in the traditional sense.  though i revel in the fresh start and naturally feel an urge to revamp and refocus, i think that hard-and-fast resolutions often set us up for disappointment.  instead, i like to focus on what is already good in my life (that i want to continue doing or enjoying) and what i could include (or change) to bring me more true happiness.

if the act of making resolutions has failed you in the past, perhaps the only "resolution" you need is to be resolute (adjective. admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering).

picture credit {here}

to help you focus for 2011:

1. be grateful for what is already good in your life
2. aim for small changes that are sustainable (and enjoyable)
3. write down your wishes or create a vision board to visually remind you of your hopes & aspirations
4. be true to yourself

happy wonderfully fabulous new year : )  what's in store for you?.