party pictures

last night we enjoyed a delicious st. patty's day dinner over at my parents' house.  they host it every year, and the menu  is always outstanding!  (my mom's a great cook : )

here are some pictures from our irish celebration.

craig's plate

my plate.  see the soda bread with butter??!!

olive.  (don't worry, the headband only went on for the picture.)

"kids'" table

so, what did you do for st. patrick's day?

and, congratulations to ashley from breakfast at saks for winning the brand building giveaway!!!.

more engagement picts : )

m2 photography
so...we got the rest of our engagement shoot photos from m2 photography.  i just love them (the picts & the photographers)!  the pictures are timeless-looking (just what we were hoping for).  below are links to a few of my faves.  (the event key is "Lovebirds"'s case sensitive.)

Photo #5 from Craig & Cailen Pictage

Photo #10 from Craig & Cailen Pictage

Photo #25 from Craig & Cailen Pictage

Photo #44 from Craig & Cailen Pictage

Photo #45 from Craig & Cailen Pictage

Photo #127 from Craig & Cailen | Pictage

Photo #133 from Craig & Cailen | Pictage

Photo #143 from Craig & Cailen | Pictage

Photo #150 from Craig & Cailen | Pictage

Photo #152 from Craig & Cailen | Pictage

oh, and if you haven't done so already, visit their blog for even more great pictures! they're awesome!.

my life as a mosaic (what does yours look like?)

awesome "craft" for all of you who have some time to kill.  very fun. 
here are the guidelines to make your very own mosaic.
{i} type your answer to each of the following prompts into flickr search.
{ii} using only the first page, pick an image that catches your eye.
{iii} copy and paste the image url into mosaic maker (change to 3 rows, 3 columns)
1. your middle name: ascher
2. least favorite food: sardines
3. favorite gemstone: diamond.  i mean come are a girl's best friend...
4. dream car: land rover
5. ideal job: writer
6. fave superhero: spiderman
7. favorite holiday: christmas!!!
8. favorite book: peyton place (you should totally read it.  it's great!)
9. fave animal: olive (my dog baby)
my like?
thanks meg, for introducing me to this fun activity : )
so, if you decide to try this for yourself, leave a link to your mosaic or blog below!

and here is craig's : )

nicely done, babe.  i like it.
