om monday: funky feelings

did you ever notice how bad moods or frustration or stress tend to breed more bad moods, frustration and stress?  and yet, even with that knowledge, it still can be extremely difficult to pull yourself out of the "dark place".  somehow it seems like you're accomplishing something by hanging on to that negative emotion - analyzing it, dwelling on it, ruminating about it.  but, it is in those moments, when we choose to just let it go that we can experience the greatest growth and uncover the deepest insight into ourselves.

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the first step is just bringing some awareness to the situation.  just noticing - hey, i'm totally pissed off right now.  and realizing that the "pissed off" attitude is not you.  it's just something your experiencing, a shifting, changing, fleeting emotion that can be dealt with any way you choose.  i know, easier said that done, but just breathing some space between you and the negative emotion will help it dissipate faster. 

now, that you've recognized the emotion, don't judge yourself or beat yourself up for feeling blue, or angry or annoyed.  instead, just breathe.  that's right - just breathe.  you've heard that one before, right?  turning to the breathe, and consequently quieting the mind is one of the most effective tools for moving beyond difficult emotions.  as you breathe, you may begin to feel the sharpness of the emotion begin to dull and begin to slowly melt away.

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from there, slow down.  i find that my negative emotions are often coupled with a propensity for rushing and not being present, which in turn makes me more frustrated, because i'm not being effective, efficient or present.  when i slow down, i see things more clearly.

next time funky feelings creep into your day, just notice them.  recognize that they are not you and therefore can be changed.  breathe and slow down.  and everytime you consciously choose to move past your negative thought patterns, it will get easier - i promise.



Silver Lining

Ever have one of those days when you're feeling a little overwhelmed?  When everything seems to be hitting all at once and there don't seem to be enough hours in the day?  Well today was one of those days.  I was out of town over the weekend and came back to quite a bit of work, and (I must admit) I was allowing it to get the best of me.  I kept trudging forward, but my energy and enthusiasm were waining.  I was making cold calls for my business and wasn't making tremendous headway (or so it felt).

Yet, when these moments come, they are undoubtedly followed by something positive.  It never fails.  Just when all seems to be weighing on you, stopping you in your tracks, something comes through - no matter how small - that makes you feel better, pushes you further in the right direction or brings a smile to your face.  My last call today came through.  I found myself on the phone with someone who was genuinely pleased I had reached out to them.  They needed my assistance and I needed theirs.  Kismet.

Just as I was feeling downtrodden, I was handed my silver lining because I kept moving forward.  I didn't let my doubts get the best of me.  And because of that, I was given a chance to make something happen.  A chance to move forward in a positive direction that will better myself and my business.  Funny how one small positive thing can make everything come into perspective in a new, uplifting, empowering way.

Keep on keepin' on.  It'll pay off...I promise..

Improve Your Mood

Holidays, though meant to be a wonderful time spent with family and friends, often produce more stress than joy. To help you through the next few months, here are some simple tips to improve your mood instantly when the pressure of the holidays is getting to you.

1. Smile - You would be surprised how quickly a "fake" smile can turn into a genuine one.

2. Go for a walk - Remove yourself from the stressful situation. You'll find clarity and compassion when there's bit of distance between you and the source of your woes.

3. Laugh out loud - Laughing is an instant mood-booster. Recruit your favorite movie, TV show or youtube video for help!

4. Let it out - Sometimes we keep too much bottled up inside. Take some time for yourself away from everyone else and cry, scream or just breath. You'll feel better afterwards...I promise.

5. Breath deeply - Slowing your breath can make you feel so much more calm and grounded. Breath slowly in through your nose, hold the breath in your lungs briefly and then exhale slowly through your mouth. It works like a charm.

6. Read a good book - Reading is such a pleasurable activity and one that we often don't make time for. Giving yourself a few minutes each day to indulge in your favorite magazine, catch-up with the paper, or read a chapter in your current bedside book is a great way to recharge your batteries.

7. Meditate - You don't have to really meditate, but at least give yourself 10 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time. You deserve it!

8. Take a power nap - The holidays unfortunately can take a lot out of us. When you're running on empty take a quick nap. You'll wake up feeling refreshed and replenished.

9. Listen to your favorite song - When you're feeling stressed or burnt out, turn to your favorite CD or song for some help. Whether you put on your favorite bluesy chill-out CD or your upbeat pop favorite to boost your mood, it's guaranteed to give you a few moments of "me-time".

10. Think happy thoughts - Make a mental list of all that you're truly grateful for, picture your favorite vacation spot, or envision a moment when you felt particularly happy. You can only hold one thought in your head at a time!

Lastly, make sure you take some time for yourself! During the holidays we give so much of ourselves to everyone else, be certain to make time for your needs as well. Take a bath, drink a cup of tea, or just take a moment to sit and relax.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email
