how to detox

do this: spinal twists.  in yoga, they compare twists to wringing out a washcloth.  they purify your system and detoxify the blood.  plus, they feel goooood.  (stand with your feet parallel, 4-5 ft apart.  hinge forward at the waist and place hands/fingertips on the floor.  keeping your back flat, twist your right arm up to the sky, leaving your left hand on the ground.  look up, if you can.  hold for a few deep breaths.  repeat on the other side.)  still not sure what to do?  check out the pose {here}.

another spinal twist option.  credit {here}

eat this: veggies!  there is nothing like simply prepared, wholesome veggies to set you right again.  {shameless plug coming} and, i have just the thing {wink}, my lovely (and FREE) cookbook, vegetables & vodka!  all the dinner recipes "star" veggies and are less than 450 calories per serving.  so, what are you waiting for?  download it below : )  and if you love it, please pass it along...

drink this: water.  that was a given...  but, if you're finding h2o a little boring, opt for seltzer or add a squeeze of fresh citrus to your glass or enjoy a cup of tea with 1 tsp sugar in the raw & lemon.

try this: too often, we plant ourselves in front of the tv or computer screen until moments before bed.  we give our bodies no time to slow down and relax.  try to turn off all electronics 30 min before bed.  spend that last bit of time reading, chatting with your spouse or writing in your journal.  you'll feel infinitely better, i promise!

here's to a simply fabulous (mini) detox!  what are your detox tricks?.

recipe for getting grounded

with the stressed-out craziness that tends to dominate our lives, sometimes we have to remind ourselves to get grounded.  stay present.  and take care of ourselves.  here are a few simple ways to embrace the here and now and slow down.

eat this: summer is a great time to enjoy fresh, local foods.  whole foods, like fruits and veggies, are filled with nutrients and antioxidants that leave us feeling healthy and refreshed.  my favorite seasonal treat lately?  cherries!

credit {here}

do this: take time for yourself.  my favorite "grounding" activity is yoga.  with all the breath work and concentrated focus on the poses, it keeps your mind present.  every time i leave class, i feel mentally (and physically) lighter.

wear this: give yourself a break from the high heels and skirts.  barefoot it and pull on a pair of comfy yoga pants or your favorite t-shirt.  we don't always have to be glamazons.

credit {here}

drink this: water (or sparkling water) with fresh fruit.  after all the summer bbqs, vacations and cocktails with the girls, we definitely need a bit of a detox.  h2o keeps you hydrated and revitalizes your skin & organs...but, it can get a little monotonous drinking 64oz a day...  so, infuse it with flavor.  squeeze an orange wedge into your glass, add some mint and cucumber slices or a bit of fresh ginger.  water is boring no more : )

what do you do to get grounded?

interested in "cutting the crap" on your plate, in your head and in your life?  read about the maven movement here..

whole foods, whole-heartedly

craig and i watched the movie food inc. the other evening.  for those of you who haven’t seen it, the film highlights the substandard and health-compromising practices of the corporate food system in america.  the movie resounded with us.  though much of what i saw on screen i already knew existed (on some level), it struck a chord with us.  and though we’re fairly conscious consumers already – buying little to no processed foods, relying on veggies (not meat) as the star of our meals, purchasing organic whenever possible and diligently lugging our green bags to and from the store – we realized that we can, should and most importantly want to be doing more.  more for ourselves, and consequently, more for our environment.

i love to cook.  (you all know that by now.)  i relish in preparing creative & delicious meals.  it seems only valid to also care (or at least be curious) about who grows it, what methods are used, how it is transported and what overall impact it has on my body and the environment.  now, i’m not going to get all preachy about what you should or shouldn’t do, but for me, it just seems logical to seek out foods in their purest forms.  local, seasonal, whole foods have the greatest nutritive value and the least harmful impact on our bodies and our environment.  not to mention, they support your local community.  that math just makes sense.  simple, whole foods = a simplistic existence (i.e. less sickness, less stress, fewer imbalances)

for a while now, craig and i have been shifting in this direction, but i think seeing food inc. and having the blatant evidence of how toxic our food system is for both our health, our local communities and the environment, tipped the scales further.  now, don’t worry, i’m not going barefoot hippie on you.  but, for me, embracing a more “locavore” existence is the right choice – it actually feels like the only choice after doing some additional research.  a choice that i am ready, willing and eager to embrace to the best of my ability.  this new outlook will cultivate a connection to the food i so love cooking – selecting it with care and getting to know who produced it, preparing it simply and thoughtfully and savoring the natural, nourishing, delicious flavors.  (and fyi, this concept of eating doesn’t mandate that you have to be a vegetarian or vegan – so meat-eaters don’t flee!  it merely encourages reducing your meat consumption a bit because of the toll industrial meat processing takes on the environment and seeking out ethically-raised meat & dairy.  so, simply put, quality over quantity when it comes to enjoying a meaty steak.)

the money/time issue: i’m sure it will be more time consuming and cost a bit more money to eat this way, but those are investments i’m willing to make (finally).  i would rather pay a little extra for clean, cared-for foods than suffer with poor health and unending doctors’ bills & prescription-costs later.  in essence, i kind of feel like i can’t afford not to adopt a more natural & wholesome way of eating.  and lastly, though i whole-heartedly embrace the ideals behind this method of eating, i know it won’t be possible to honor it at all times.  and i’m ok with that.  i know any steps in the right direction are progress and both valid & valuable.  just like with yoga – it’s about practice, not perfection.

i’ll be blogging (obviously) throughout this shift into a more local, whole foods lifestyle – continuing to offer recipes, tips, techniques and recommendations for simply fabulous living.  hopefully, you’ll find yourself as inspired as i am to seek a simpler, more organic existence.  (like the “organic” pun?)

resources to learn more about a natural, whole foods lifestyle:
101 cookbooks blog (and heidi’s book super natural every day)
food rules by michael pollan
how to cook everything vegetarian by mark bittman    
food inc.
lucid food by louisa shafia

so, mavens, what do you think?.

Inspirational Reading : )

Hello all!  I've compiled a list of a few of my favorite blogs that I follow.  Check them out - they offer some really great advice : )

All the above blogs offer awesome tips about how to live a happier, healthier life.  I always look forward to seeing what they have to say.

Have any favorite blogs I should check out?  What do you think of the ones I listed?.