om monday: set down your goals

on friday i sat down and worked on my business goals for 2012.  last week i came across a great outline to follow, which gave me a lot of guidance and much-needed clarity.  because, you have to admit, though goal-setting often starts as an uplifting, motivating activity, it can often descend into overwhelming drudgery quite quickly.  so, with the outline as my guide, i set forth to set down in writing my lofty (but not completely ridiculous) biz goals for 2012. 

there's something about putting your aspirations on paper that makes them feel instantly more real & attainable.  and, not only did i set down my goals, which is all well and good, but i also listed step-by-step ways to go about achieving them.  i think that's the step that i often miss.  i love thinking, dreaming and fantasizing about my goals and how wonderful it will be when i reach them, but then i float onward without real direction.  often getting led (slightly) astray.

the new year is just over 2 weeks away.  instead of hurriedly thinking about your goals (i.e. resolutions) on new year's day, take this time to mull it over.  with all the hustle and bustle these next few weeks, take a few quiet moments to contemplate and set down the things that you would most like to achieve this year.  what would bring you true happiness?

and, whether it's a business idea, a health makeover or a new skill you wish to acquire, think about the necessary steps to make it happen.  it will be what you make it.


Believe in Yourself

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way you are right." -Henry Ford

For my 8th grade yearbook, each student was asked to select a quote that meant something to them. The quote above is the one I chose. I didn't really grasp what it meant then, but something about it appealed to me.

Now, at 23, having graduated college and being in the midst of building my business, Cailen Ascher Design, the truth of this quote has really sunken in. In so much of what we do, believing in ourselves is really what counts. If I didn't truly believe in my abilities to start and run a successful design business, I certainly would not be where I am today. If I hadn't had complete faith in myself and my talents, I would not have succeeded...and that's the truth.

Perception is reality. If you're convinced you'll fail or that you're not good enough, you're not going to make it very far. With that said, having unwavering faith in your abilities is not always easy. When there are few prospects on the horizon, we all have a tendency to go to that "dark place" and feel like a failure. The trick is to bounce back. Recognize that feeling, acknowledge it, and then dismiss it. Release it and remind yourself why you're great and why your business, idea, goal, etc. is worth working for.

Remember, it's not about perfection or never making mistakes. It's about trying your best, giving it your all and knowing that you'll succeed.

Believe and you'll succeed!

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email


Staying Motivated

Since it's over a week into 2009, I figured it was the perfect time to discuss motivation. I imagine many of you began your resolutions at the turn of the new year, and since it's already been 10 days, you may have started to feel less enthusiastic about the promises you made to yourself (and others) a week and a half ago. Since your motivation might be waning, and it's been proven to take about 30 days to successfully form a new habit, it's key that you stick to your resolutions for the next few weeks if you want them to be smoothly incorporated into your lifestyle.

Before you began your resolutions you probably thought about them intently and got yourself all geared up and ready to start. What many of us fail to do is actively work on our enthusiasm for our resolutions much beyond January 1st. We psych ourselves up for them and then neglect to continue to foster that energy and commitment that we felt early on (or even before beginning). Below are some tips and techniques for maintaining your motivation so that when you look back over this year, you can feel that you truly did your best to reach your goals!

1. Start Slowly. Even though you may have been gunning to start, it's important to make manageable changes. If you set your goal to work out 30 minutes, 5 days a week and are finding that difficult to stick to, rewind and take baby steps. Start with just 5 minutes, 5 days a week. You'll get used to setting aside the time, and you can gradually build to your goal, instead of giving up 2 weeks in.

2. Put it on Paper. If you haven't already done so, write your resolutions down. Sometimes the simple act of transferring your thoughts onto paper makes you feel more driven. List the reasons why you chose to make each resolution. When you're feeling like giving up, reread what you wrote and remind yourself of why you wanted to make these changes in the first place.

3. Recruit Support. If you feel accountable to someone else, you're more likely to stick to your goals. Share your resolutions with a loved one and even ask them to "check up" on you each day, week, month, etc. It's one thing to let yourself down, but it's another when you feel like you'll disappoint somebody else with your (lack of) actions.

4. Keep Track. Record your progress. Journaling about the headway you're making with regard to your resolutions will reaffirm why you made them in the first place. Also, when you're feeling frustrated, you can look back and see how far you've come!

Best of luck with your resolutions! Let me know how you're doing so far.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email
