career advice

3 Truths No One Tells You About Starting a Yoga Business

in yoga, we're always talking about authenticity and openness. but when it comes to starting a yoga business (or any business for that matter), we're often only given half truths.
now, that's not because people are trying to mislead you -- they just don't want to discourage you, either!
but i know you can handle the truth.
i full-heartedly believe that YOU have what it takes to design your dream life+yoga career. but i also believe that budding entrepreneurs often have unrealistic expectations about how quickly and easily it will be to get their yoga business to take off.

crafting your yoga business -- just like developing a solid, reliable yoga practice -- takes time.

but you know that. you're different.
investing in your business and business education is the very thing that sets you apart from so many others. i know you're different and that you have what it takes because you are here with me, reading these posts and watching my videos.
let me say it again...YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES.
you're committed to this process. and because of that, i'm gonna strip away the veil and share 3 truths that no one will tell you when you're first starting a new business.
no one likes the hard truth, but yogis, more than others, recognize that embracing a challenge head-on is much more effective and in-the-end more rewarding than simply ignoring it and hoping it gets easier or goes away.
are you ready? here are 3 yoga biz building truth bombs...

which "truth bomb" rocked your world the most? share it in the comments below.



3 instant ways to find more time (and money!) in your business

if you're anything like me, you're pursuing a yogic career not just to make a difference, but also to create a LIFESTYLE that you love and enjoy.
but, let's me honest, building & running a business is no easy task. and, no matter how "yogic" we are, there are always going to be times when we find ourselves feeling stressed, stuck and frustrated, and thinking "is this really worth it?".
well, my friend, if you're looking to enjoy more ease and abundance, not just in your biz, but in your LIFE as well, i feel ya.
we all know that when we have more time, we are freed up to be our best, most creative, most profitable selves. but with endless to-do lists, family responsibilities AND managing a career, a "balanced" lifestyle can seem like a near impossibility.
being a new mama has made me realize even more than before the harmony i'm seeking between a sustainable business and a fulfilling life. i don't want to waste my time on pointless tasks, unprofitable programs or feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of "to-dos".
if you're in the same boat, trying to design a lifestyle that you love while also building a career you enjoy, today's vid is a must watch!
i'm sharing 3 instant ways to find more time (and, yes, money too!) in your business so that you can enjoy a biz+lifestyle that you absolutely love.

so, i've got a question for ya -- what are you going to do TODAY to find more time & money in your biz? share it below!

share the yoga biz LOVE! Click to Tweet: i'm finding more #time & #money in my #yogabiz w/ these tips from @CailenAscher

how to deal when you're "not where you should be" in your life+biz

this past weekend, my husband and i (and our baby daughter) visited with friends at their gorgeous, fully remodeled home.
as we chatted and exchanged new parent stories, there was a little voice in the back of my head saying "omgosh -- this place is huge! and they have a brand new kitchen! what did they think when they visited our place mid-renovation a few months back?"
i was simultaneously happy for them and also a little jealous, coveting the "posh" lifestyle they seemed to be living, marble countertops and all.
to top it all off, the thing that has afforded them this fortune is an entrepreneurial venture gone very, very right. and somehow that was a little like salt in the wound. and the nagging voice in my head went on to question, "what am i doing wrong that i'm not 'killing' it in my biz?"
as human beings on planet earth, we're confronted with situations like this every day...
the yogi on the next mat who is gracefully holding a pose that you can't even fathom getting into.
the mom at the playground who is perfectly coiffed and effortlessly handling her polite children as yours run rampant.
the entrepreneur who seems to have it all figured out as you struggle to make ends meet.
but, the truth is, we NEVER know anyone's full story. even those we're closest to have countless things that they're dealing with that we're totally unaware of.
when we gaze in from the outside, everything looks perfectly in place -- rose colored. but if we dig a little deeper, we realize that everyone has "stuff" they're dealing with.
everyone has bad days, weeks or even months. and, if you look really closely, i'm guessing you wouldn't trade places with anyone, not even if they have new designer furniture in every room.
in this week's teaching, i'm sharing 4 strategies that'll help you deal with that uncomfortable restlessness that arises when you find yourself thinking "i'm not where i should be in my life+biz".

is this something that you deal with or have dealt with in the past? share your experience in the comments below. i LOVE hearing from you + ready everything you write!



i feel too exhausted to work on my business...

if you're trying to build a fun, fulfilling & sustainable yoga business but ALSO have a full- or part-time job, it can feel like you're burning the candle at both ends.
you have a burning desire to craft a career that you love, but after a day's work you're left feeling too mentally and physically exhausted to think about doing anything for your business -- let alone for yourself.
sound familiar?
for many of yoga-entrepreneurs, we have a boatload of responsibilities that extend far beyond class-planning.
not only do we have our yoga businesses to think about, but often there are also full- or part-time jobs, kids, household responsibilities, errands, social commitments, and family priorities to consider.
with our never-ending to-dos lists greeting us every morning, it's no wonder we sometimes feel like staying in bed all day.
so, the question is: how do you make progress with your dream business if life leaves you feeling exhausted?
well, i have a 3 step formula to share with you that will help you overcome the exhaustion and once again find the time (and motivation!) to work on your budding business.
check out today's vid to get the inside scoop!

what step do you struggle with the most?

share your insight in the comments below -- i LOVE hearing from you!