
There is No "Magic" in Wealth Consciousness

There’s a new age of business upon us.
I’m sure you’ve felt it. There’s been a shift -- and you are a part of it.
It’s no longer about scare tactics and hard-selling to make a buck.
It’s about giving, being of service and offering value.
Trust me, I’m all about this evolution. I am this evolution. It completely resonates with me.
But, it can feel a little woo-woo. A tad hard to grasp. And, dare I say it, how will this approach affect my bottom line?
I find myself saying YES to expanding my wealth consciousness, YES to studying the law of attraction, YES when Danielle LaPorte says life is about feeling the way you want to feel, and then I’m hit with....
BUT do I find clients, make money, get the work done, market myself effectively?
How does all this feel-good belief move me forward with some organization and strategy? How do I build my empire without some tangible plans?
Here’s what I’ve come to realize: There is no magic in wealth consciousness. [click to tweet this Truth]
It’s a simple formula. It is strategic.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, and your thoughts become your actions.
Or, to put it even more simply…
Beliefs → Thoughts → Actions
Our core beliefs around money, finances, abundance (or lack thereof) inform our thoughts. And, since about 98% of our daily thoughts are on auto-pilot and the same ones appear again and again, when our beliefs center on lack, scarcity, worry and “not enough” our thought playlist is mighty grim.
Then the actions we take reflect that anxiety. We pinch pennies, stress about bills, don’t take the chance, don’t make the call, don’t put ourselves “out there”.
On the other hand, if we start planting new beliefs about money and abundance in our fertile minds, we can begin to incrementally expand our wealth consciousness and open ourselves up to new opportunities.
We feel more open, full of potential. We make the pitch, make the call, start the business, ask for what we’re worth and believe we are worth it.
Wealth consciousness isn’t magic. It’s cause and effect.
Your beliefs and thoughts result in corresponding actions (or inaction) that deliver certain results. Plain and simple.
If you want to receive new/different/transformed/bigger/happier/better results, you need to start planting new beliefs.
Our beliefs have an ever-expanding ripple effect, like when you drop a small stone in a calm body of water. That one small action has repercussions that travel outward exponentially.
Drop the small stone. It’s time. You are ready.
As a jumping off point, I’ll leave you with this...
What do you believe about money/wealth/being rich/rich people/abundance? What are you saying to yourself on a daily basis because of those beliefs? What actions are you taking because of those beliefs and thoughts?
What is a NEW money belief that you’re ready to live starting now?
With love, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM

I'm a recovering perfectionist.

Hi. I'm Cailen, and I’m a recovering perfectionist.
Recovering in the sense that it’s my still my default mode, but I’m shining consciousness on it, creating space around it, and loosening my perfectionist death-grip. (Ugh. If I could only be better at letting go! That's a perfectionist joke.)
Perfectionism is rigid. Hard. Cold. It feels like an ever-tightening grip. A breath held.
The opposite?
An exhale. Warmth. Softening. Flexibility. Support.
Why does asking for the support we need feel so unnatural?
Maybe because we were told (by society, school, friends, family, whoever) to be well-rounded. To push through. To do it ourselves. To pay our dues. To figure it out. To check all the boxes...
You need to know how to boil an egg, do long division, change a tire.
You need to know how to conduct a sales call, run a launch, build a 6-figure empire in 6 months.
If not, you're behind. If not, you're failing.
We’ve been told that success is the result of hard work, dedication and a linear path. That asking for help is a sign of weakness. And that focusing purely on what we love -- our strengths -- and letting someone else handle the rest/help us/guide us/be with us is lazy.
I’m done with doing it all myself.
I’m done with pretending I can handle it all.
I’m done with trying to be/do everything.
Doing that was exhausting. Doing that was stripping away my innate power.
Here's my Truth: I’d rather be masterful than a jack-of-all-trades. (click to tweet if it's your truth, too.)
So what does that mean? What does my life need to become in order to pursue mastery instead of mediocrity?
It means focusing on what I’m really, really good at and what I really, really love. Those are the guideposts. Not metrics. Not data. Not someone else's advice.
It means being real. With you, with my family, with myself. And, handing-off the rest to people who can do it better. (If someone else can do it better, let them.)
It means allowing myself to be supported. Giving myself permission to outsource. Building a team.
Danielle LaPorte puts it this way, “What would your life be like if you only did what was easy?
Not lazy easy where you cut corners and do things half-assed. Quality easy where you focus on your gifts, talents and strengths and seek the necessary support to make the rest of it happen.
Inviting support into your life is Quality easy with a capital Q.
If the idea of letting go. Of asking for help. Of getting the support you need feels like a foreign concept, I’m guessing it’s because YOU are the support for so many others.
How would it feel to allow the tides to turn? How would it feel to invite more comforting, luxurious, divine support into your life? And, what would it look like anyhow?
Support can come in all shapes and sizes. Start small if this feels new and unknown. Or go BIG because why not.
Listen to what your heart/intuition/inner guide is asking for. Acknowledge what you’re ready to let go of. I mean, like, look it right in the eyes.
Take the leap, and land in the soft, warm, welcoming arms of the support that you need.
You’re home.
To get things rolling. Here are a few ways support can come into your life...
Ask for it Voice what you no longer need Accept an offer Share the responsibility Team up Say yes Say no Find a mentor Unburden on a friend Join a mastermind Hire help Turn to your inner guide Outsource tasks Ask for divine guidance Exhale...again...and again
Or, get some here.
With love, always,

3 Truths No One Tells You About Starting a Yoga Business

in yoga, we're always talking about authenticity and openness. but when it comes to starting a yoga business (or any business for that matter), we're often only given half truths.
now, that's not because people are trying to mislead you -- they just don't want to discourage you, either!
but i know you can handle the truth.
i full-heartedly believe that YOU have what it takes to design your dream life+yoga career. but i also believe that budding entrepreneurs often have unrealistic expectations about how quickly and easily it will be to get their yoga business to take off.

crafting your yoga business -- just like developing a solid, reliable yoga practice -- takes time.

but you know that. you're different.
investing in your business and business education is the very thing that sets you apart from so many others. i know you're different and that you have what it takes because you are here with me, reading these posts and watching my videos.
let me say it again...YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES.
you're committed to this process. and because of that, i'm gonna strip away the veil and share 3 truths that no one will tell you when you're first starting a new business.
no one likes the hard truth, but yogis, more than others, recognize that embracing a challenge head-on is much more effective and in-the-end more rewarding than simply ignoring it and hoping it gets easier or goes away.
are you ready? here are 3 yoga biz building truth bombs...

which "truth bomb" rocked your world the most? share it in the comments below.