
There is No "Magic" in Wealth Consciousness

There’s a new age of business upon us.
I’m sure you’ve felt it. There’s been a shift -- and you are a part of it.
It’s no longer about scare tactics and hard-selling to make a buck.
It’s about giving, being of service and offering value.
Trust me, I’m all about this evolution. I am this evolution. It completely resonates with me.
But, it can feel a little woo-woo. A tad hard to grasp. And, dare I say it, how will this approach affect my bottom line?
I find myself saying YES to expanding my wealth consciousness, YES to studying the law of attraction, YES when Danielle LaPorte says life is about feeling the way you want to feel, and then I’m hit with....
...how do I find clients, make money, get the work done, market myself effectively?
How does all this feel-good belief move me forward with some organization and strategy? How do I build my empire without some tangible plans?
Here’s what I’ve come to realize: There is no magic in wealth consciousness. [click to tweet this Truth]
It’s a simple formula. It is strategic.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, and your thoughts become your actions.
Or, to put it even more simply…
Beliefs → Thoughts → Actions
Our core beliefs around money, finances, abundance (or lack thereof) inform our thoughts. And, since about 98% of our daily thoughts are on auto-pilot and the same ones appear again and again, when our beliefs center on lack, scarcity, worry and “not enough” our thought playlist is mighty grim.
Then the actions we take reflect that anxiety. We pinch pennies, stress about bills, don’t take the chance, don’t make the call, don’t put ourselves “out there”.
On the other hand, if we start planting new beliefs about money and abundance in our fertile minds, we can begin to incrementally expand our wealth consciousness and open ourselves up to new opportunities.
We feel more open, full of potential. We make the pitch, make the call, start the business, ask for what we’re worth and believe we are worth it.
Wealth consciousness isn’t magic. It’s cause and effect.
Your beliefs and thoughts result in corresponding actions (or inaction) that deliver certain results. Plain and simple.
If you want to receive new/different/transformed/bigger/happier/better results, you need to start planting new beliefs.
Our beliefs have an ever-expanding ripple effect, like when you drop a small stone in a calm body of water. That one small action has repercussions that travel outward exponentially.
Drop the small stone. It’s time. You are ready.
As a jumping off point, I’ll leave you with this...
What do you believe about money/wealth/being rich/rich people/abundance? What are you saying to yourself on a daily basis because of those beliefs? What actions are you taking because of those beliefs and thoughts?
What is a NEW money belief that you’re ready to live starting now?
With love, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM

4 Steps to Rewrite Your Rules

Did you ever have an ah-ha moment so profound that it felt like your hold world was suddenly snapped into focus?
As if before you were looking at the world through foggy goggles, and now suddenly you have perfect, 20-20 vision?
That's what happened to me when I was challenged in a training by a Success Coach to define my money rules. At first, I thought to myself, I don't really have money rules.
But then, as I sat with that question, my rules began to float to the surface...
I'm bad with money. You can't afford that. I don't like thinking about money and finances. It's hard to make money. It's challenging to find clients that are willing to pay. This will never be successful.
We ALL have rules for ourselves -- rules for our personal lives, businesses, relationships, health, spirituality, and even our personality. I could never do/say/accomplish that!
Our "rules" are the stories that we tell ourselves over and over and over again. The things we condition ourselves to believe and therefore act out and expect in our lives.
Some of these rules are conscious. Many are unconscious.
But, here's the kicker that'll bust your world wide open with possibilities.
YOU define your rules.
Throughout our lives, we gather these rules from parents, family, friends, school, society. And, I have no doubt that many of the rules you have in place for yourself serve you well. I'm guessing you have a certain standard of health and happiness that you've come to expect in your life, and since you're able to be here with me now, things are all-around pretty good.
But, I also know that if you're here with me, you're desiring something bigger, better and more profound from this one life you've got. You want to change, not only your own life, but the lives of others. You want to make a lasting mark, leave the world better than you found it and enjoy a life of success and abundance.
If your dream life is still just that, a dream. Something needs changing...and it starts with your RULES.
We honor our rules, live by them, play them out every day. For better or worse, they create our lives. So, why not define your rules in a way that starts drawing more of what you do want into your life?
We say that we're "stuck in a rut" for a reason. We're trapped in a deep groove we've cut into our subconscious through the constant repetition of a limiting rule!
So, if you want to escape that groove and get out of your rut, you have to fill it in with new rules, new ways of thinking and moving through the world.
At first it might feel like a lie or a joke, but as you redefine your rules and repeat them to yourself, they'll become your new norm. You'll start acting, thinking and speaking in accordance with your NEW rules, and your life will take shape around them.
Today, I challenge you to rewrite your rules!
STEP 1 - Define an area of your life where you're longing for change. An area where you feel stuck.
STEP 2 - Write down your current rules. The limiting story lines and beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
STEP 3 - Write down your NEW rules. (It often helps to create your new rules in direct opposition of your previous rules. For example, if you've been saying "I'll never lose these 10 pounds because I hate working out", create a new rule such as "I feel fitter and lighter every day because I LOVE moving my body!".)
STEP 4 - Repeat them DAILY! Write them on post-it notes and put them around your home, use them as bookmarks, phone backgrounds and journal about them. Surround yourself with your new rules. Start LIVING them every day. Make them your new norm.
This works. It takes time, but it works. I promise.
If you're ready to stop living small from a place of fear, worry and lack and start claiming the life your desire and deserve, this is where to start. Redefine your rules so they're in alignment with where you want to go, and you'll be setting yourself on course to get there!

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