ok, now that i've got your attention, let me explain... :-)
in case you're wondering...no, i'm not talking about that "s" word.
i'm talking about a different "s" word that you likely use A LOT in your business. actually, i can almost guarantee you use it (or think it) at least a half dozen times every day.
and, when you use this word a lot, it can have toxic effects on your energy, motivation, creativity and overall quality of life.
and the word is....
yup. that's it.
a seemingly harmless little word that you use often (am i right?). but when we "should" all over our business (and our lives), it can wreak havoc.
i should blog more.
i should organize my finances.
i should get more private clients.
i should get on twitter, instagram, etc.
i should meditate every day.
i should plan a workshop.
i should...i should...i should....
whew, i'm worn out just writing that list of examples.
when we "should" all over our businesses, we're setting ourselves up for resistance. when you should do something it rarely feels good. there's push-back and the option not to do the very thing you should do.
3 simple things to help you stop "shoulding" and embrace a new, more empowered way of moving through your business and life. check out the vid now!
do you "should" all over your business?
what is one should that you're going to give up? or, what's one that you're going to schedule? let me know in the comments below, or email it to me here.
do you hesitate to send people to your site because it's outdated?
or do you apologize for its lack of functionality or clunky graphics?
does it look like it was built before the 21st century?
don't be ashamed of your website shame! it's actually a very common thing.
even the most beautifully constructed sites will one day look "outdated" if they hang around long enough. and as our businesses and brands grow, it's only natural to outgrow your site!
first and foremost, congratulate yourself for recognizing the need to have a website. it gives you the ability to reach and teach people on a GLOBAL level. but, if you're hesitant to send people to your online hub because it's not an accurate reflection of you, your teaching or your brand, then it's not doing you any good!
wondering if it's time for a new look and feel for your site?
check out this quiz below.
QUIZ: Do I Need a New Website?
Round 1
1. Do you hesitate to send people to your website?
2. Do you ever apologize about the look or functionality of your site?
3. Are you tired of the look/colors/graphics?
4. Do you think it no longer "looks" like you or your brand?
5. Do you have outdated content? (i.e. blog hasn't been updated in 3+ months or write-ups about old events)
total your number of "yeses" to the first set of questions.
# of round 1 yeses: _____
Round 2
1. Can people sign-up for your email list on your homepage?
2. Can people buy your products/services/offerings directly from your site?
3. Do you regularly update your blog with valuable content for your ideal students?
total your number of "yeses" to the 2nd set of questions.
# of round 2 yeses:_____
find out your score:
now, subtract the number of "yeses" from round 2 from the number of "yeses" you had in round 1.
{Round 1 - Round 2 = Final Score}
here's what your final score means:
0 = way to go, yogi! your website rocks!!
1-2 = no need for an immediate change, but daydreaming about a rebrand could be fun
3-4 = it's time to plan a facelift! look at other sites for inspiration and work on a rebrand timeline
5 = your website is holding you back. it's time to rework it. (don't know where to start? in next week's post i'll be sharing my favorite design tools to build your best yoga website ever!)
share your score in the comments below & post a link to your website.
i'd love to check it out and maybe offer you a few tips :-)
if you're trying to build a fun, fulfilling & sustainable yoga business but ALSO have a full- or part-time job, it can feel like you're burning the candle at both ends.
you have a burning desire to craft a career that you love, but after a day's work you're left feeling too mentally and physically exhausted to think about doing anything for your business -- let alone for yourself.
sound familiar?
for many of yoga-entrepreneurs, we have a boatload of responsibilities that extend far beyond class-planning.
not only do we have our yoga businesses to think about, but often there are also full- or part-time jobs, kids, household responsibilities, errands, social commitments, and family priorities to consider.
with our never-ending to-dos lists greeting us every morning, it's no wonder we sometimes feel like staying in bed all day.
so, the question is: how do you make progress with your dream business if life leaves you feeling exhausted?
well, i have a 3 step formula to share with you that will help you overcome the exhaustion and once again find the time (and motivation!) to work on your budding business.
check out today's vid to get the inside scoop!
what step do you struggle with the most?
share your insight in the comments below -- i LOVE hearing from you!
as a yogi, i think about my health & well-being a lot.
i can't help it -- i think it kinda gets programmed in when you sign-up for your 200 hrs :-)
i prioritize what i feed myself, how (and how much) i move my body, i try to build some me-time into my day for reading, meditation and/or relaxation (yoga nidra, anyone?), and i, of course, encourage my students to seek balance and well-being in their own lives.
but, there is another space in our lives that also benefits from being healthy -- but we don't always pay it much mind.
our workspaces.
as a solo-preneur, having a healthy workspace that is conducive to creativity and productivity is essential for my sanity and overall well-being.
when my workspace is cluttered, disorganized or interrupted, i know that it wreaks havoc on both me AND my business.
but, if you work-from-home how do you maintain a healthy workspace that also encourages work+life balance?
here's a little glimpse at my top 6 essentials for a healthy, happy and productive workspace -- i hope they can work for you too!
what's one of your essentials for a healthy workspace?
share it in the comments below!
p.s. i discovered this cool company for solo-preneurs called WeWork. they maintain gorgeous communal workspaces so that you can be with people + get your work done. kinda cool if you find the whole work-from-home thing a little too lonely sometimes.