someone from the CALM biz community asked me this question:
"how do i monetize my blog & youtube channel?"
first off, i want to congratulate you on thinking about how to pull in multiple streams of income for your yoga biz and for wanting to take your business online -- that's awesome!
but, you're looking for money in the wrong place if you're hoping for a 1::1 ratio of blog readers/youtube watchers to online yoga students. (does that surprise you?!)
the thing is, having a blog, e-newsletter and youtube channel is super important for yoga-entrepreneurs, but they ARE NOT how the majority of teachers who are successful online make their money.
let me me repeat that just in case you missed it -- they ARE NOT how the majority make their money!
we have to look at our blog, newsletter, social media pages and youtube channel as marketing tools, not products to be sold.
your blog and (the majority of) your youtube vids should give students and potential students super valuable, *FREE* info that they can use to improve their lives. and, doing this will build trust, foster a genuine connection with you and grow your community. all of which is necessary for making money down the road.
they are a means to the end...not the end.
then...when it comes time to sell something, like an online course, meditation guide, primo video series, e-book, workshop or training, you'll have a slew of people who KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you who are ready to purchase whatever it is that you're offering.
that's where the money is, and that's how feel-good marketing results in sales!
so, it's not about monetizing your yoga blog on the front end -- blocking readers until they pay -- it's about cultivating community and offering awesome info so that your blog readers become product buyers at the end of the day!
check out this week's teachings to hear my take on this topic first-hand :-)
what marketing tools do you have in place for your yoga biz?
post your youtube, facebook & twitter links in the comments below.
i wanna check them out!