teacher training

how to fill your BIG programs

if you're planning on running (or have run) a teacher training, workshop, retreat or online program, chances are you're thinking about ways to get more people to sign-up.
unless you're one of the lucky few who strikes gold with your marketing the first time through, there can be a lot of trial and error when first running a new program. and a lot of concern about not getting enough students to enroll.
well today we're tackling this issue head on. i'm going to sharing with you the strategies i've used and have taught to my yoga teacher clients that helps them pack their workshops, retreats, TTs and other BIG programs.
so, hunker down, grab a notebook and pen and get ready to jot down some new ideas!

have a big program coming up? share a link to it in the comments below. i'd love to check it out!

the EASIEST way to take your NEW business online

think you need a fancy-schmancy website? think again.

now don't get me wrong.  websites are great and are super important if you want to build a thriving yoga business, but if you're fresh out of teacher training (and strapped for cash), jumping into building a website, before you even really know yourself as a teacher isn't the best idea.  you need to give yourself, your brand and your teaching voice time to develop before you translate that into a website -- but, that doesn't mean you should sit on your hands in the meantime...

instead, i have a far simpler, easier way that you can start growing your online presence and building an online community for NO MONEY and with very little time commitment.

sound too good to be true?

well, it's not (luckily).  

and, it's the very strategy i personally used to start growing my online community -- so i know it works!

learn all about it in today's vid below.


so, what did ya think about today's video teaching?  did it give you some ideas?

share your takeaways in the comments below -- i LOVE hearing from you & i read everything you write :-)

yogi: offer awesome assists

a few weekends ago, i had the privilege of attending an assisting workshop put on by one of the fellow teachers at the solebury club where i teach.  karin eisen, the teacher who ran the workshop, offers awesome assists -- so, needless to say, me and several other fellow yogis were anxious to learn her tips and techniques so we could begin to offer more and better assists and adjustments to our students. working hands-on with students requires a great deal of trust, since you're entering their personal space, but it also requires a bit of confidence on the part of the teacher.  if you're not confident in your "assisting" skills -- you'll likely offer ineffective adjustments that fall flat (no pun intended).  if you tend to follow a more hands-off approach, but would like to venture into offering more assists, here are a few tips (courtesy of karin).

1. start slow -- if you're uncomfortable offering more complex assists (like for handstand or 1/2 moon), start slow.  stick to child's pose and down dog.  once you get comfortable assisting your students in these basic postures, then you can branch out.

2. ask permission -- especially with new students, ask their permission before you touch them.  asking permission gives you the go-ahead you may need to feel more confident.  (once you develop a relationship with your regular students, this may become unnecessary.)

3. ask for feedback -- as you guide them deeper into the posture ask for feedback to ensure you're not pushing them past their point of comfort.  tip: stick to questions with "yes" or "no" answers, like "does this feel ok?" or "can you go deeper?".  asking "how do you feel?" and getting an answer of "find" doesn't really tell you much...

4. practice -- the more you assist, the more intuitive it will become.  to foster this skill, ask a fellow yogi if they're willing to be your guinea pig in exchange for a private lesson.  test out your assists, ask them for feedback on pressure, personal space, and the like.
