biz: write a yoga blog that makes a difference
Anyone can start a blog—and I’m sure you’ve stumbled across a few never-updated, totally self-indulgent blogs in your day if you spend any time at all on the internet. So, if anyone can start a blog, how do you make sure that your yoga blog not only gets read, but also makes a difference? There are so many fascinating facets of yoga, so many lessons, so many teachings, it can be really overwhelming when you sit down to write a concise, informative and dare-I-say enjoyable post for your blog readers.
If you’re thinking about starting a blog, or currently have a blog that needs some TLC, these strategies below are for you!
1. Write For Your Students
This is a common mistake that I see on tons of blogs out there: super knowledgeable yogis with so much wisdom write on such an elevated level that they totally lose their audience (i.e. their students).
Whenever you write a blog post, write it for your students.
Think about how you would explain it to them, what language you would use, what metaphors you would employ and what morsels of wisdom you would pass along.
Make it digestible, readable and easy to understand.
Cover topics that you’re commonly asked questions about, and talk about the basics, like what namaste means, the benefits of ujjayi breathing, or what the deal is with om-ing.
2. Write Consistently
Consistency is key with blog writing. Just like your yoga, it’s a practice, and you have to be ready to show up again and again and again.
That said, you don’t have to write every day, or ever every week but you do have to consistently offer valuable content in order to make a difference with your unique yoga voice.
I recommend blogging at least two times a month so that you always have fresh content on your blog. Once you decide on your frequency, put it on your calendar so that you hold yourself accountable.
3. Leverage Your Content
Once you have content on your blog, don’t just let it sit there waiting to be found—get it out to your students, fans, and followers.
Email a copy of the post to your email list, post a link to it on Facebook or share a link on Twitter.
Get your blog post into the hands of anyone you think could benefit, and when you do, encourage them to pass it on to anyone else who would find it valuable too!
4. Share Your Expertise
To grow your blog following you have to reach new readers. A great way to do that is to share your expertise on other blogs.
There are tons of super popular blog sites (like elephant journal—wink, wink, nudge, nudge) out there that are hungry for great content, so do them a favor and share your wisdom. Plus, when you guest post on other sites, you’ll be able to end your post with a brief author bio (see mine below) that can tell readers where to find you if they like what you’ve said.
If you want to make a difference in the yoga world, you have to make your yoga voice heard. A blog is a fun, easy, effective way to share your yogic mission with the world.
originally written for elephant journal.
biz: top 5 reasons you're NOT killing it with your yoga biz
you love yoga. you love your students. you work hard. yet, you're still not killing it with your yoga biz. what gives? the thing is, sometimes we think we're doing everything right, but in truth we're selling ourselves short, or worse, self-sabotaging our efforts. if you've been working at this yoga thing for a while now, but still are not seeing the number of students, income, and work schedule you're hoping for, here are the top 5 things that might be tripping you up.
- you're inconsistent. you started a blog, and began posting 2x week, but now post...wait, when was the last post?... you have a facebook page and go through spurts of updating it. you thought about doing a yoga newsletter, sent out one, and then forgot about it. remember, the only way to see results is to apply consistent effort over time! you're a yogi -- you know this better than anyone. a student who has never practiced before is not going to be able to hold a 2 minute headstand in the center of the room. in time, with consistent practice, no problem.
- you're scattered. you teach a yoga for teens class, hosted a yoga brunch event for your restorative students, and are planning a yoga workshop for athletes. though you likely have many passions in the yoga milieu, in order to get a foothold and make a name for yourself, it's important to think about where you can have the greatest impact and which students need you the most. what group do you love teaching? who responds best to you? what makes your heart sing? serve those students.
- you're afraid. we're all scared of failure. of putting ourselves out there, only to find that it's a no-go, and our dream is not viable. it's not easy to lay it all on the line, speak your truth, and fully inhabit who you're meant to be. so instead, we sell ourselves short, and don't do the very things that we know (deep down) will make the biggest difference (like being consistent with our marketing efforts and focusing on a yoga niche -- see #1 & #2).
- you're spending your time in the wrong places. this can be a tricky one. it's easy to get so busy doing "important" tasks that you get stuck treading water. if you want to see leaps and bounds with your yoga biz, you have to try something new! remember, if you want to keep on gettin' what you're gettin', keep on doin' what you're doin'. instead of spinning your wheels doing the same stuff you always do (that got you to where you are now), do one BIG thing a day that will move your forward. yes, just ONE. send a guest post pitch to a big-time yoga blogger or magazine. contact a yoga conference about presenting. reach out to a new studio about a class you'd like to teach there. do just ONE thing a day to move you forward.
- you're impatient. yes, even yogis can get impatient. if you're doing everything right (or to the best of your ability), and aren't falling prey to any of the traps above, chances are you're on the right path. give it time. nothing happens overnight. again, remember your yoga practice -- if you're anything like me, there are likely poses you're still trying to master. have faith that what you're doing will take you where you want to go!
so, why are you NOT killing it? and, what are you going to do to change that starting right now?!
biz: 4 ways to get raving (yoga) fans
as a yoga teacher, your students are your livelihood. so, it only makes sense to want to reach more students, so that you can continue to spread your yoga message around, and make the impact you're here to make. but, how do you create raving yoga fans? you know who i'm talking about -- those students that love you, talk about your teaching to others, take every workshop you offer, and bring their friends to your classes. how do you get more of those students into your classes?...
follow these 4 tips to your fans <3
1. show them love.
when you give love, you get love. ask about their lives, chat with them, answer their questions -- show them that you care about them. when a new person walks through the door, introduce yourself, ask their name, and use it once during class.
2. ask for their input.
when you make a new playlist, try new sequencing, or explain a pose in a new way, ask your students for their feedback. they'll see that you're actively working toward serving them to the best of your ability -- and students like telling their friends about awesome teachers that do that!
3. solve their problems.
if you have a number of students that have low back issues or chronic knee pain, why not design a class that incorporates poses that would be particularly therapeutic for them. or, better yet, plan a weekend workshop that delves into the topic. of course, invite the students you designed it for to attend -- and ask them to bring any friends or loved ones that could benefit, too.
4. take it off-the-mat.
you are your student's doorway to yoga -- so give them as many access points as possible. start a yoga blog, or begin an email newsletter, that offers valuable yogic info to your students. be it healthy recipes, therapeutic postures, or a beautiful poem -- show them how to incorporate yoga into their everyday life. plus, if they love the content you share, they'll pass it along!
every step of the way, think about how you can ADD VALUE to your students' lives. if you teach from that place -- whether it be in the studio or through a blog post -- your students will fall in love with you as they transform into the best version of themselves.