raving fans

biz: 4 ways to get raving (yoga) fans

as a yoga teacher, your students are your livelihood.  so, it only makes sense to want to reach more students, so that you can continue to spread your yoga message around, and make the impact you're here to make. but, how do you create raving yoga fans?  you know who i'm talking about -- those students that love you, talk about your teaching to others, take every workshop you offer, and bring their friends to your classes.  how do you get more of those students into your classes?...

follow these 4 tips to your fans <3

1. show them love.

when you give love, you get love.  ask about their lives, chat with them, answer their questions -- show them that you care about them.  when a new person walks through the door, introduce yourself, ask their name, and use it once during class.

2. ask for their input.

when you make a new playlist, try new sequencing, or explain a pose in a new way, ask your students for their feedback.  they'll see that you're actively working toward serving them to the best of your ability -- and students like telling their friends about awesome teachers that do that!

3. solve their problems.

if you have a number of students that have low back issues or chronic knee pain, why not design a class that incorporates poses that would be particularly therapeutic for them.  or, better yet, plan a weekend workshop that delves into the topic.  of course, invite the students you designed it for to attend -- and ask them to bring any friends or loved ones that could benefit, too.

4. take it off-the-mat.

you are your student's doorway to yoga -- so give them as many access points as possible.  start a yoga blog, or begin an email newsletter, that offers valuable yogic info to your students.  be it healthy recipes, therapeutic postures, or a beautiful poem -- show them how to incorporate yoga into their everyday life.  plus, if they love the content you share, they'll pass it along!

every step of the way, think about how you can ADD VALUE to your students' lives.  if you teach from that place -- whether it be in the studio or through a blog post -- your students will fall in love with you as they transform into the best version of themselves.

karin assisting