business strategies

you should only spend 25% of your yoga business on THIS

did that title catch your attention?  good! because, chances are you're spending a lot more than 25% of your time doing THIS, and it could be stalling the growth of your yoga business -- no good!

in today's teaching, i'm covering exactly where and how you should spend your time when you sit down to accomplish your business to-dos whether you have 3, 10 or 30 hours at your disposal.  

this simple system will help you breakdown your daily to-dos, goals, and BIG dreams into manageable categories that'll enable you to move forward CONSISTENTLY and grow your yoga biz like never before.

so, are you ready?!

listen to the teaching below, and then get busy building the yoga career you've always wanted and totally deserve :-) 

i want to "see" you in the comments -- i read every single one!

did you have an ah-ha moment while listening to this teaching? how much time do you currently spend on your daily to-dos?  ready to change that?!

biz: the two questions that will transform your yoga career

as a society -- and especially as women and yoga teachers -- we don't like to say "no".

no is "negative".  it's off-putting.  and we've be trained to bend over backwards (yoga pun intended :-) to be accommodating, no matter the cost.

as a business owner and solopreneur, i cannot stress enough how vital it is to get comfortable with saying no.  (did that statement make you cringe?)

no is not a bad word.  and, it's not at all negative when used appropriately.  saying "no" to someone else means you're saying "yes" to yourself!  it simply means that whatever is being asked of you is not a priority for you.

feeding your family is a priority.  teaching yoga classes to fulfill your purpose and make money is a priority.  volunteering at your child's school's annual bake sale is not (...unless it is...).  the thing is, priorities look different for each and every one of us -- yours are different than mine, and that's ok.  and that's why we have to get comfortable with that little two-letter word: no.

we have to set our own boundaries and parameters.  when we're out there, doing our thing, we're our own bosses -- no one is there to dictate to you what should be a top priority and what should be passed by.  it's up to you!

before you say yes to any more fundraisers, parties, get-togethers, volunteer efforts, teaching jobs, etc. ask yourself these two questions.

  • will this bring me closer to my ultimate goal of becoming [a world-changing yoga teacher]? (you can insert your own descriptive in the brackets!)
  • will i regret passing up this opportunity?

if you answer "yes" to both -- the thing in front of you is worth your time.  but, if you answer "no" to both, politely respond "no", and know that you made the absolute best decision for you and your yoga career.

if you're split, one "yes" and one "no", take your time to think it over, or even draft up a pros and cons list to help you with your decision!  trust your gut -- it's likely leaning one way or another.

what is one thing that you can say (or have said) "no" to that will bring you closer to your dreams?