teach yoga

all you need is THIS to alleviate mental chaos

do you often feel like you're being pulled in a thousand different directions? and, even when you're working on one task, your mind is ticking through the countless other things you still need to get done?
being in a state of mental chaos (to put it bluntly) sucks.
it's tiring, frustrating and no matter how much you accomplish, it feels like you didn't get quite enough done.
if what i'm talking about here is something you live with or even just deal with occasionally, please know that this is not a "given" state of being for entrepreneurs. just because you may wear 20 different hats as a yogic business owner, doesn't mean you need to feel like you also have 20 different heads all competing for your attention!
but, as with all things, problems don't present themselves with solutions. and, luckily, i have one for you today that'll help you alleviate the mental chaos that's weighing on your mind.
in order to combat mental chaos, you need to have organization!
it makes perfect sense, actually. when your closet is a mess and weighing on your mind, you clear out the clutter, neatly stack your sweaters, line up your shoes and feel 1000% better. same goes for your biz!
today i'm sharing 4 organizational strategies that i personally use to get a handle on my business to-dos and prevent mental chaos from setting in. check out the vid now.

which strategy did you find the most helpful? share it in the comments below!



should i give up teaching group yoga classes? the 3 questions you need to ask!

do you teach 15, 20, 25+ group yoga classes a week?
first off, bravo!  i'm totally impressed!  i don't think i'd have the stamina for that -- especially now that i'm a new mama :-)
if teaching group classes takes up the majority of your time and energy, you're likely wondering when is the appropriate time (if any) to back away and pursue other yoga business opportunities -- like working with more private clients, leading workshops, running retreats or designing trainings.
but, it can be a tricky road to navigate, especially if you need your group class income to support you!
well, if you feel like you need a mega-dose of clarity on this subject, you're gonna LOVE today's teaching. in it i share the 3 things you need to ask yourself to see if it's time to step away from some of your group classes.
find a cozy, quiet spot, and enjoy!

now, let me know what you think!

after reflecting on the 3 questions, is it time for you to step back from teaching so many group classes?

how to get more private yoga clients

wishing that you had more private yoga clients?  but not sure how to expand that area of your yoga business? no worries.  in today's CALM biz video, i share a number of tips and techniques for finding and keeping private clients, all of which are easy, cost you nothing and you can start using them right away.  but first, let's talk about why you would want to teach privates in the first place.

private yoga students are great for a number of reasons...

(1) you can really ensure that they're getting the intended benefits & see the progress they're making

(2) you develop a deeper bond and understanding of their needs

(3) it allows you to expand your repertoire and teaching know-how by working with a number of different bodies one-on-one

(4) you earn much more per hour than you do teaching public classes

(5) you get honest and instant feedback about your teaching, assisting, demos, explanations, and more!

(6) private students are loyal, LOVE you and refer you to family and friends :-)

ok, now that you realize the benefits of having private clientele, let's dive into today's video so you can begin to find, attract and keep private yoga clients!

have more tips or creative strategies for drawing private clients to your teaching?  i'd love to hear them!

share them in the comments below!






biz: how make a name for yourself in the crowded yoga industry

yoga is a $6+ billion per year industry.  yes, that's billion with a "b".  yoga is everywhere -- around the corner at the gym, down the street at 3 different studios, on our laptops, smartphones, iPads, on our TVs, and even in our schools and workplaces. with so much yoga out there, it can be almost paralyzing to think about how to distinguish yourself from every other yoga teacher out there, and enjoy your piece of the multi-billion dollar yoga pie. but there is a tried-and-true method that will continue to work for ALL yogapreneurs, no matter how crowded the yoga world becomes.

the popularity means there's room for growth, expansion, and success.  it means there's room for YOU.  nearly everyone you talk to does, has done, or wants to do yoga, which means you are needed and necessary for this amazing yoga revolution to occur.

your authentic, special, one-of-a-kind yoga voice is a necessary part of the intricate and beautiful international yoga community.

ok, so there's room for you, but how to you get seen?

be yourself -- no one else can be you, teach like you, talk like you, joke like you, sequence a class like you.  the number one most important thing to establishing your unique yoga brand is to teach and speak as authentically as possible.

don't try to imitate others' teaching styles.  don't try to emulate other people's success.  find what works for you -- even if that means doing something that's different or maybe has never been done before.

when you teach yoga, infuse your personality into every aspect from the music to the theme to the asanas you choose to the workshops you offer to the weekly newsletter you send out.  the more you there is, the more you'll differentiate yourself from every other teacher out there.  no one else can be you.  and you can't be anyone else (so don't try to be!).

think about what you love, and bring that into the yoga classroom.  for example...

  • if you love art -- host a special art-lovers' yoga class in a museum or gallery space
  • if you love vegan cooking -- have a vegan potluck brunch once a month after your sunday morning class
  • if you love kids -- offer to start-up a toddler yoga class at your studio during a timeslot when their moms are taking another class
  • if you love wine -- bring your students to happy hour after your thursday early evening class to mix & mingle
  • if you love hip-hop music -- design a hip-hop yoga workshop for others who share your passion

hope these ideas got the wheels spinning, and remember...

put YOU in everything you do.