teaching advice

how to get more private yoga clients

wishing that you had more private yoga clients?  but not sure how to expand that area of your yoga business? no worries.  in today's CALM biz video, i share a number of tips and techniques for finding and keeping private clients, all of which are easy, cost you nothing and you can start using them right away.  but first, let's talk about why you would want to teach privates in the first place.

private yoga students are great for a number of reasons...

(1) you can really ensure that they're getting the intended benefits & see the progress they're making

(2) you develop a deeper bond and understanding of their needs

(3) it allows you to expand your repertoire and teaching know-how by working with a number of different bodies one-on-one

(4) you earn much more per hour than you do teaching public classes

(5) you get honest and instant feedback about your teaching, assisting, demos, explanations, and more!

(6) private students are loyal, LOVE you and refer you to family and friends :-)

ok, now that you realize the benefits of having private clientele, let's dive into today's video so you can begin to find, attract and keep private yoga clients!

have more tips or creative strategies for drawing private clients to your teaching?  i'd love to hear them!

share them in the comments below!






biz: 5 ways to get out of a yoga class planning rut {video}

ever feel like you're stuck in a yoga-class-planning-rut?

no earth shattering sequences enliven your teaching, no new or untapped themes, no pizzazz.

we've all been there -- as much as we LOVE teaching and our students, it's inevitable that we draw a creative blank from time to time.

if you feel like your teaching's been a little lack-luster lately, you're going to adore today's video.  (and, after you watch it, i want to hear from you!)

in the vid below, i share 5 easy ways to get yourself unstuck and reconnect with your authentic inner teacher :-)

what has helped you get out of a class planning rut? share it in the comments below!  i love learning from you!


P.S. Become a {Yoga} Brand speaker series is coming in January 2014!  Want in?  Sign-up here to be the first to hear about it :-)