yoga class ideas

biz: 5 ways to get out of a yoga class planning rut {video}

ever feel like you're stuck in a yoga-class-planning-rut?

no earth shattering sequences enliven your teaching, no new or untapped themes, no pizzazz.

we've all been there -- as much as we LOVE teaching and our students, it's inevitable that we draw a creative blank from time to time.

if you feel like your teaching's been a little lack-luster lately, you're going to adore today's video.  (and, after you watch it, i want to hear from you!)

in the vid below, i share 5 easy ways to get yourself unstuck and reconnect with your authentic inner teacher :-)

what has helped you get out of a class planning rut? share it in the comments below!  i love learning from you!


P.S. Become a {Yoga} Brand speaker series is coming in January 2014!  Want in?  Sign-up here to be the first to hear about it :-)







biz: 6 easy ways to improve your yoga teaching

looking for some new yoga teaching ideas?  feel like your "yogic" creativity is sapped?  we've all been there! especially if you teach a lot of classes, it's easy to get stuck in a rut -- relying on your go-to poses, sequencing, and phrases to engage your students.  if you want to super charge your teaching with creativity -- new sequences, themes, ideas, poses, etc. -- you first have to know where to turn for inspiration and guidance!

in this video i share 6 easy (and fun!) ways to improve your yoga teaching.  (plus, 5 of the 6 are completely FREE and easy to do!!!)

for more great business & marketing tips for yoga teachers, check out all the CALM biz videos at Cailen Ascher TV on