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I am here today with a special little gift for you: a free self-assessment checklist to help you gauge your current level of Business Clarity.
As you know, as a Clarity Coach, I am a HUGE proponent of finding/having/maintaining Business Clarity.
When I found Business Clarity, meaning when my Mindset, Vision and Plan all came together in a cohesive, feel-good way, the momentum shifted in a dramatic way and my business expanded at an incredible rate.
To give you some concrete examples of what Business Clarity did for me, I want to share my Before & After with you.
Before Business Clarity:
7 years of serial entrepreneurship.
Always questioning myself and my abilities.
Working A LOT but seeing few results.
Always wondering when things would take off.
Lack of money, clients and time.
- Making just $22.50 in July of 2015.
After Business Clarity:
Clear, focused, feel-good plan of inspired action.
Confidence, a mindset of success and CLARITY by the boatloads.
Having a $30K+ launch.
Bringing in close to 5-figures every month.
Working just 3 days/week.
Abundance of money, clients and time.
Being interviewed for Business Insider, Entrepreneur on Fire & dozens of other podcasts.
Having a team of expert support people.
- Ease galore, hustle no more :-)
I want you to have a Before & After like this too, and the first step is to discover your current level of Business Clarity. That way, we’ll know where we’re starting from. Once we have a sense of that, we’ll be able to devise the best possible plan for you to harness the power of Business Clarity for yourself to create your brilliant Before & After.
After you’ve completed the self-assessment, the next step is to sign-up for the FREE 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge which starts next week on Monday, August 22nd. I’ve designed this challenge to help you clear the mindset blocks that are keeping you from success.
Clearing mindset blocks is essential to finding and maintaining Business Clarity. Believe me, I know this firsthand, Mindset work is what I credit 99% of my success to. So, it’s a great place to start!
Sign-up here, and you’ll receive the 1st Mindset Reset teaching on Monday!
P.S. In a rush? Here’s the gist. Discover your current level of Business Clarity here with a free self-assessment checklist. Then, join me and the rest of the Clarity Crew for a free 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge starting Monday to fast-track your Business Clarity.