Business Clarity

Discover Your Level of Business Clarity: Free Self-Assessment

Discover Your Level of Business Clarity: Free Self-Assessment

I am here today with a special little gift for you: a free self-assessment checklist to help you gauge your current level of Business Clarity. 

As you know, as a Clarity Coach, I am a HUGE proponent of finding/having/maintaining Business Clarity. 

When I found Business Clarity, meaning when my Mindset, Vision and Plan all came together in a cohesive, feel-good way, the momentum shifted in a dramatic way and my business expanded at an incredible rate.

To give you some concrete examples of what Business Clarity did for me, I want to share my Before & After with you.

The Real Reason You’re Not Making Money, Not Getting Clients & Feel Totally Stuck

The Real Reason You’re Not Making Money, Not Getting Clients & Feel Totally Stuck

For a long time (7 years to be exact), I couldn’t figure out why my business wasn’t working.

Sometimes the stuff I was doing would bring in a client, make me a little money, deliver a small win, but MOST of the time it didn’t. I felt like everyone else out there had it “figured out”, and I just couldn’t crack the successful business code.

So, I kept trying tactic after tactic, chasing idea after idea, hoping the next one would work. But the truth is, nothing was really working. Things were broken, and I was putting bandaids on the symptoms without looking for a cure for the problem under those surface-level problems.

Lack of clients, lack of money, unsuccessful sales, slow email list growth, lack of engagement and feeling totally stuck and unclear are all symptoms of just ONE thing…