It's Not Happening Fast Enough!

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A few weeks ago we stopped into our local bookshop to pick up some cards and small gifts for a few family members, and my youngest daughter became fixated upon getting a small toy rabbit.

My husband and I told her no (because her birthday was in a couple weeks), and she proceeded to have a full on meltdown and remained upset for hours that she did not get the little stuffed bunny. 

Now, even as we said “no”, we had every intention of getting this little toy for her for her birthday. But she was so upset not having it right now that she couldn’t let in any happiness or kind words or laughter for a good long while. (It was actually kind of impressive how resolute she was about being totally miserable.)

Looking at her and seeing how she was so fixated on what she did not have and how she let it ruin hours of her day, made me reflect on all the times I have behaved in the exact same way.

How many times have I set a goal for my business and been so frustrated that I didn’t reach it immediately? 

How many times have I allowed myself to get overly upset or fearful because my expectation wasn’t met...yet?

How many times have I missed out on THIS MOMENT because I was stuck in a worry spiral of my own creation inside my head?

My daughter didn’t know it, but an adorable stuffed bunny was on its way to her. 

If she would have just chilled out, she could have had fun in the moment and also once the bunny arrived, but instead she let the upsetment of it “not being here yet” ruin her afternoon. I felt bad, but it made for a powerful lesson for me.

Parenting is a constant reminder to look at my own habits and behaviors and see how I can do better and trust more and create an easier journey for myself.

So whatever it is that you want, whether it be your first client, to move to a bigger house or have enough money to pay for a vacation for your family (or a stuffed rabbit!), send out your wish and then relax a bit and do your best to enjoy every minute until it arrives.

Are you struggling because what you want isn’t arriving fast enough? Story of my life! 

Check out this Facebook Live to see how I work through this.

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You Are Enough [Guided Meditation]

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I have something a little different for you today — a poem and a guided meditation.

Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to sit quietly, do nothing and receive. I hope what I’m sharing today is arriving for you at exactly the right moment <3

You are enough.

You are enough. 
You’ve done enough. 
Accomplished enough. 
Proved enough. 
Learned enough.

You don’t have to be anyone other than you.
You don’t have to be anywhere else than where you are.
You don’t have to be more spiritual or patient or professional.
You don’t have to be more perfect or beautiful and definitely not any thinner.
You don’t have to be better or different or whatever it is you think you need to change.

You are ready.
Right here, right now.
This is your time.
This is your moment.

You can be a human with pains and struggles and still have massive success.
You can be a little messy or hard on yourself and know you want to improve certain things and still do remarkable things.
You don’t have to be completely healed in order to help and heal others.
You can be all of who you are, just as you are, and ON PURPOSE.

It’s all for you.
It’s all in support of you.
Nothing is a mistake.

THIS is the starting place for anywhere you want to go.

Take a step — any step, and let it be enough for today.

If those words felt good, I have one more thing for you — a guided meditation.

If you ever question “who am I to offer this / do this work / charge this?”, this meditation is for you

I offer a powerful reframe of this limiting belief that will help you get out of your own way so you can honor your heart’s longing to serve others through your work.

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Here’s the trick to getting ANYTHING you want. 👍🏻

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I’m letting you in on a magical secret today.

A trick that will get you ANYTHING you want.

Let me warn you, what I’m sharing is SIMPLE but not always easy.

And, it definitely helps if you practice it every day, multiple times throughout the day.

But I promise, if you do, radical, magnificent, miraculous shifts will happen for you.

Here goes…

The trick to getting ANYTHING your heart desires is this…

Simply hold the vision + the vibe of what you desire...and it will arrive.

Simple, yes. 🙌 
Easy, not always. 😠 

The clincher is, I can’t tell you how long it will take to arrive. Perhaps minutes, maybe hours, sometimes days, weeks, months or even years. 

It depends how much resistance you have. How much you have to work through.

So, the “work” isn’t how much action can you take (as you make yourself totally frantic) so you force the thing arrive faster.

The work is instead to simply hold the vision and the vibe — as best you can — until it arrives.

The vision is picturing the thing you want as if it’s already done: the client, the money, the house, the relationship…

The vibe is how you’ll feel when that thing arrives in your life: joyful, abundant, grateful, peaceful, calm, happy, powerful, successful...

When our desires conflict with our limiting beliefs that we’ve held for a long time, there can be a lot of “stuff” to work through. Stuff that your parents told you, stuff that you picked up from school, stuff that you’ve observed in the media, stuff that you basically just made up!

You’ll need to align yourself and realign yourself with the vision and vibe again and again and again. This is the work.

But the cool thing is, when you hold the vision + vibe (even BEFORE the thing arrives), you feel good on the way to getting it! 

Instead of thinking your job is to try harder, prove yourself more and take more action, feel into the idea that your true work is to hold the vision + vibe of what you want. Simply and purely. Until the thing you want arrives.

Now, this isn’t to say that you can just sit back and do nothing, but rather that when you hold the vision + the vibe the RIGHT actions will present themselves. The ALIGNED actions. Those are the ones that work and make all the difference.

So instead of squandering away your precious time and energy on desperate actions, you can feel good vibing with your vision and taking the inspired actions that arrive for you.

Ya feel me?

Oh, and I have something else for you…

In this 5min Facebook Live, I will help you reframe the limiting belief of “I don’t know if this is possible for me” because when we’re vibing in that place, we’re definitely not able to hold the energy of our desire.

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Not Everything You Do Has To Be Successful

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Let me let you in on a TRUTH that will hopefully change everything about the way you show-up for yourself and your business…

...not everything you do has to be a success for YOU to be a success.

Who needed to hear this today?

(I’m raising my hand, too.)

There’s a quote that goes something like this:

“The road to success is paved with failure”

… and thanks to personal experience, I 100% agree with that.

Successful people don’t have less failure in their lives, they have more.

The thing is that people who view themselves as successful or destined for success aren’t usually as rattled by something that someone else might freak out about.

They say it was a “hiccup” or a “setback” or a “learning experience”.

They don’t let it stop them — and neither should you.

Here’s the truth…

You will fail.
You will miss your goal.
You will not get what you want.

And you know what?

You’ll be OK. (I promise you this!)

And, you’ll also probably realize that that “failure” provided you with something you desperately needed. Perhaps a valuable lesson, more fortitude or space for something new (and better!) to come through.

Then, you’ll get up. You’ll get back in the game, and you’ll be all the more ready and able to create success in a way that feels right and aligned for you.

Women who fear failure don’t make it very far in the online business space. They are too afraid to try and put themselves “out there”. 

If you ever deal with feelings of not being ready (because you’re afraid to fail), watch this 5min Facebook Live I made for you. It’ll help you reframe the limiting belief of “I’m not ready” so you can show up as perfectly imperfect you!

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Market Your Genius with Nikki Nash

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Today on the podcast we have Nikki Nash, a Hay House author, podcast host, and business advisor who equips entrepreneurs with the support and resources they need to share and profit from their message. She's a recognized expert in marketing and business strategy, and her insights have been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, and BossBabe.

Listen to my interview with Nikki to learn:

  • Her journey from climbing the corporate ladder to committing to her dream and pivoting to entrepreneurship

  • How Nikki set up her schedule to take off one week per month - yes, you read that right!

  • Tips on how to lean into your strengths when marketing your genius to increase your impact and your income

After you listen to this week’s episode, be sure to connect with Nikki Nash on her website at and listen to her podcast, Market Your Genius at You can slo grab a copy of Nikki's new book, Marketing Plan: Just Like Dating Marketing Plan at

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Dying To Be A Good Mother with Heather Chauvin

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Today on the podcast we have a very special repeat guest, my dear friend Heather Chauvin. Heather is the creator of the Mom Is In Control Podcast where she reveals her most vulnerable truths about womanhood, parenting, and entrepreneurship, and author of the new book Dying To Be A Good Mother, where she shares her experience with living through stage 4 cancer and extreme burnout, and how she took back control of her life.

Listen to this episode to learn:

  • Heather’s journey through entrepreneurship, motherhood, and burnout

  • How cancer gave Heather permission to honor her soul’s calling

  • Why business owners should “know their zones”

  • What is “Dying To Be A Good Mother Syndrome” and how to identify it

You can connect with Heather on her website at, listen to her Mom Is In Control Podcast, and grab a copy of her new book Dying To Be A Good Mother.

P.S. Enrollment is closing soon for the spring round of the Uplifted™ Mastermind. If you are ready to create more freedom and fulfillment in your life + business, book a call now so we can chat!

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Big Picture Days

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A few times a month, my husband and I plan a “Big Picture Day” together.

They usually happen on a Friday, and we use the time together to step into the big vision we have for our life and our family.

In the past, these Big Picture Days have included...

Looking at investment properties
Looking at land on which to build our dream home 
Getting massages (this one is on hold because of Covid…bleh)
Talking about business ideas over lunch or oat milk lattes :-)

These days aren’t just fun, they are practical too. 

Let me explain…

Big Picture Days not only get you feeling into the beautiful possibilities that exist for you, your life and your business...but they get you stepping into them too.

Having this time with my husband has resulted in…

  • Purchasing 3 investment properties in the last year (they are both vacation homes for our family + AirBnB rentals when we are not there)

  • Working with an amazing design team to remodel our kitchen

  • Getting our gardens professionally landscaped

  • As well as lots of smaller, more subtle ideas for my business, his work and our girls

A Big Picture Day is sort of like a Vision Board (remember those?) come to life!

So here’s my suggestion…

Let’s have a BIG PICTURE DAY together — you and me!

I’m hosting a private and intimate event on February 23rd called the Freedom + Fulfillment Workshop.

...and I would LOVE for you to be there :-)

This virtual workshop is for established entrepreneurs who have hit a plateau or can simply FEEL it’s time to grow (be it revenue-related, creativity-related, mindset-related or energy-related) so they can feel even more aligned, free and fulfilled by their work and call in more income.

If you want to grow your business (and life!) to the next level...this workshop is FOR YOU.

It’s completely FREE, but it’s exclusive.

In order to maintain an intimate and high-vibe experience, we require that you apply to attend.

Click here to apply for the *free* Freedom + Fulfillment Workshop.

Once selected, this is what we’ll work on together…

  • Your personal CORE VALUES to infuse into your brand + business

  • Your MAGNETIC MESSAGE that speaks directly to the heart of your ideal client

  • Clear BOUNDARIES that honor your time + energy like a CEO and lay the groundwork for six-figure success

  • A personal AFFIRMATION custom-tailored to you and your business that will remind you on-the-daily of your soul’s purpose and bring fresh life + energy into your business

I am so excited to host this workshop and create a “Big Picture Day” experience for you.

Apply NOW if you’re interested in attending because the workshop is Tuesday + spots are filling fast.
Click here to apply so we can have a Big Picture Day together <3

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YOUR business is more than just “a business”

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I know that your business is more than just “a business”. 

It’s a way for you to live out your purpose on this planet

It’s a way for you to serve others doing work you love

It’s a way to find freedom and fulfillment and joy.

Yes and AMEN to all of that! <3

I also know that sometimes after being in business a few years (I’m speaking from personal experience here) that we can hit a plateau and feel that it’s time to GROW to new heights.

Sometimes this can look like a certain amount of revenue we can’t break through.

Sometimes it can look like a disconnection with the “spark” we once felt for our work.

Sometimes it’s because we’ve been doing the things we think we “should do”, and we’re tired of it...but also afraid to stop.

Sometimes it’s because our mindset is maxed out, and we need to do the work to uplevel again.

Sometimes it’s a mix of all of that and some other stuff too.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because I’m hosting an amazing workshop next week.

This virtual workshop is for established entrepreneurs who have hit a plateau or can FEEL it’s time to grow (be it revenue-related, creativity-related, mindset-related or energy-related) and want to feel more aligned, free and fulfilled by their work as they increase their income + impact.

If you’ve been doing things the same way for a while now and want to step into your “next level” and expand your freedom, fulfillment and finances...this is where it’s at :-) 

On February 23rd at 2pm ET I’m hosting the Freedom + Fulfillment Workshop to align with your soul’s purpose and unleash the success within.

And I would LOVE for you to attend if what I’ve shared in this email is speaking to you.

This workshop is completely FREE, but it’s exclusive.

You need to apply to be a part of it because we want to make sure everyone in attendance is a great fit.

Click here to fill out an application to attend.

Our businesses give us a beautiful opportunity to cultivate more freedom and fulfillment in our lives, but sometimes after running our businesses the same way for a few years, they can feel a little stagnant. 

This workshop is designed to shake things up so you can step into your power and most successful self in 2021.

If you are selected to attend the free workshop, this is what you will walk away with…

  • Your personal CORE VALUES to infuse into your brand + business

  • Your MAGNETIC MESSAGE that speaks directly to the heart of your ideal client

  • Clear BOUNDARIES that honor your time + energy like a CEO and lay the groundwork for six-figure success

  • A personal AFFIRMATION custom-tailored to you and your business that will remind you on-the-daily of your soul’s purpose and bring fresh life + energy into your business

I’m so excited to teach this special workshop and give all attendees an amazing experience.

Click here to apply + we’ll let you know very soon if you’ve been selected to attend.

Skipped to the end? No problem! Here’s the gist…

I’m hosting a virtual workshop next week for established entrepreneurs who can FEEL it’s time to grow and want to feel more aligned, free and fulfilled by their work.

If you want to unleash your “next level” and expand their freedom, fulfillment and here to apply for this FREE workshop today.

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