marie forleo

yogi: de-stressing yoga practice (for marie forleo)

i created this better-than-two-glasses-of-wine yoga practice for marie forleo, one of my business mentors, but i thought you might like to check it out, too. the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, take 10 minutes and go through these poses -- i guarantee you'll feel better afterwards!

what is your favorite yoga pose for settling the mind after a busy day?


biz: is it unspiritual to want to make more money?

this is a topic that i find soooo many yoga teachers struggle with.  to some, it seems greedy and selfish to want to make more money -- a.k.a. very "unyogic".  but the truth is, money is an essential part of our lives, and in yoga we teach about abundance, and how people should strive to feel fulfilled in all areas of their lives.  plus, when you make money doing what you love, you're not only happier, but you're able to serve more people! check out this awesome video from marie forleo, an awesome gal who tells it like it is, addressing this very topic.

for more about this topic, check out the article i wrote: Why Success Is Yogic!

biz: three awesome ladies who are leading the mindfulness revolution

sometimes the best way to motivate yourself and tap into your higher purpose is to be inspired by those who are clearly following their path and creating their life's work.  three such women that have fascinated me, informed me, and challenged me are marie forleo, tara stiles, and gabrielle bernstein.  though their focuses vary (marie is business minded, tara is a yoga teacher, and gabrielle teaches us to expect everyday miracles), their mission is the same -- to inspire others (especially women) to create a life that they love.  a life that is fulfilling.  a life that is authentic. we all need teachers.  those who have gone before us, and shine light on the path.  step here, not there.  go this way, not that way.  these women are above all else teachers -- they're walking the walk, and therefore are capable of talking the talk.  they are all doing their life's work, and it shows.  they love what they do, and that is communicated in every book they write, workshop they lead, class they teach, and video they shoot.

and, best of all, their passion is contagious!  in fact, generally, all i need to do when i'm feeling unclear about my purpose -- when i'm not sure where to step next on the path -- is turn to one of these women.  i watch one of marie's interviews with gabby.  i catch up on tara stile's latest activity on  and i get pumped up.  if they can do it, i can too!  if they can create a life of meaning (that also provides them with a steady income), i can too!  and so can you :-)

want to see what they've got going on?

marie forleo

tara stiles

gabrielle bernstein

know of any other inspiring women who are clearly doing their life's work and rocking it?  let me know about them in the comments below!


biz: turning pro - tap your inner power and create your life's work

in this video, i review steven pressfield's latest book, turning pro.  it's a quick, inspiring read for anyone who is ready to ditch their "amateur" habits in order to start creating their life's work!  it's a great read for any yoga teacher who is ready to pursue their teaching as a career, instead of a hobby.

to purchase a copy of turning pro, click here.