
4 Ways Having a Vision is Super Helpful

Having a vision for your life and business is essential. It's the lens through which you make all your decisions, set your priorities and ensure you're on track with the version of success that's right for YOU!

Last week, we discussed the importance of having a vision. Now, to take it a step further, I want to dive into how you can use your vision to its greatest advantage. (I'm a girl who likes strategy, remember!)

Your vision is your destination. It's where you and your amazing business are heading.

But before we dive into the strategy piece, I want you to first celebrate the fact that you're drawn to create a clear vision for yourself and your business in the first place! That's a HUGE step, and one that many entrepreneurs overlook. Too many would-be successful entrepreneurs just dive into the work and start chugging along without a clear destination in mind, and before they know it, they're going in circles. (Now, you know why! They needed a clear vision first, just like you're creating for your business.)

Once your vision crystalizes, there are 4 ways that you can strategically use your vision as you build your business:

(1) It's your destination. You have to know where you're going in order to get there! Now that you have your destination in mind, you can align your actions, set your priorities and start moving in the right direction.

(2) It's your motivation. You can see all the amazing things that are waiting for you if you continue to do your work. When you need a little pick-me-up reflect on your vision, and remember all the things you seek are now seeking you!

(3) It's a course corrector. Feeling foggy and need focus? Reflect on your vision, read through your journal or gaze at your vision board, and let it put you back on course.

(4) It's 1 of the vital success essentials. You need 3 things for success. Yes, just 3. You need a vision (your destination), the right mindset (your vehicle) and a clear + thoughtful plan (your roadmap). Your vision is the lynchpin for the three.

Now, I would love to hear more about your vision!

Visit our lovely Facebook group, and share what your "destination" looks like. Putting your vision "out there" makes it all the more real! Accountability is key :-)

Or, if you'd prefer to chat in-person (I'd LOVE that!), I invite you to book a complimentary Clarity Consultation. Then, we can talk more about your vision and how we can create a clear and thoughtful roadmap to get you there.

**My 5-month coaching program opens only 2x per year, and I'm currently accepting applications for a very limited number of spots. If you're ready to sharpen your vision, strategize a clear and thoughtful plan for your business and make the necessary mindset shifts to make it a success, NOW is the time. Read more about it here.**

With love,

What's Your Vision for 2016?

23423842764_3fd7e9a639_kHave you given some thought to your vision for this coming year?

Between Christmas and the New Year, I sat down to do just that.

You see, for me, a vision isn’t a dream. It isn’t wishful thinking. It isn’t about setting unrealistic “resolutions” that I’ll forget or give up on. It’s strategic.

And, the more time, energy and planning I put into my visioning, the more aligned my business and life are with it.

Visions are different than daydreams, wishes or hopes. They’re focused, clearly outlined and purposeful. They’re grounded, aligned and feel right in your body.

To put it simply, your vision is your destination.

And, in order to enjoy (and get the most out of) the journey and also look forward to what awaits, your destination has to be compelling, intriguing and enticing. It has to speak to you, call to you and pull you towards it.

If you're like me, and want to get to your destination in the most efficient, most enjoyable way possible, you need to be crystal clear on where you're heading. You need the exact "address".

When you sit down to do your visioning, set out the specifics. Write down the details. Flesh out the nuances. Imagine how it will feel once you’ve reached your vision.

Live in a place of possibility.

Believe me, no person has ever achieved impactful, fulfilling, world-changing success without a vision. Not one.

For our sanity, personal satisfaction, and ultimate success, we need to know what are efforts are going towards, otherwise we'll eventually run out of gas.

If you haven’t done so already, I strongly encourage you to indulge in the creation of your vision. It’s not a waste of time -- it’s an essential. It’s strategic.

And, it will help you bring about all that you desire for yourself and your business this year. I promise you that.

After you’ve developed your vivid vision, share a piece of what you’re setting your sights on in our private Facebook Group! I’d love to hear more about the vivid vision you’re creating for yourself. When you post, use #VividVision2016 :-)

Or, if you’d like 1x1 attention to help translate your BIG vision into a clear + thoughtful roadmap to success, you can schedule a time to discuss it with me here. (FYI -- as part of my vision for 2016, I'm only opening my on-going coaching package 2 times per year. So, if you've been interested in working with me, now is the time. You can submit an application to be considered when I open the doors in late winter 2016. Spots are limited.)

Sending love for a bright + brilliant 2016!