
What's Your Vision for 2016?

23423842764_3fd7e9a639_kHave you given some thought to your vision for this coming year?

Between Christmas and the New Year, I sat down to do just that.

You see, for me, a vision isn’t a dream. It isn’t wishful thinking. It isn’t about setting unrealistic “resolutions” that I’ll forget or give up on. It’s strategic.

And, the more time, energy and planning I put into my visioning, the more aligned my business and life are with it.

Visions are different than daydreams, wishes or hopes. They’re focused, clearly outlined and purposeful. They’re grounded, aligned and feel right in your body.

To put it simply, your vision is your destination.

And, in order to enjoy (and get the most out of) the journey and also look forward to what awaits, your destination has to be compelling, intriguing and enticing. It has to speak to you, call to you and pull you towards it.

If you're like me, and want to get to your destination in the most efficient, most enjoyable way possible, you need to be crystal clear on where you're heading. You need the exact "address".

When you sit down to do your visioning, set out the specifics. Write down the details. Flesh out the nuances. Imagine how it will feel once you’ve reached your vision.

Live in a place of possibility.

Believe me, no person has ever achieved impactful, fulfilling, world-changing success without a vision. Not one.

For our sanity, personal satisfaction, and ultimate success, we need to know what are efforts are going towards, otherwise we'll eventually run out of gas.

If you haven’t done so already, I strongly encourage you to indulge in the creation of your vision. It’s not a waste of time -- it’s an essential. It’s strategic.

And, it will help you bring about all that you desire for yourself and your business this year. I promise you that.

After you’ve developed your vivid vision, share a piece of what you’re setting your sights on in our private Facebook Group! I’d love to hear more about the vivid vision you’re creating for yourself. When you post, use #VividVision2016 :-)

Or, if you’d like 1x1 attention to help translate your BIG vision into a clear + thoughtful roadmap to success, you can schedule a time to discuss it with me here. (FYI -- as part of my vision for 2016, I'm only opening my on-going coaching package 2 times per year. So, if you've been interested in working with me, now is the time. You can submit an application to be considered when I open the doors in late winter 2016. Spots are limited.)

Sending love for a bright + brilliant 2016!

5 Steps to Reach your Business Dreams in 2015

tis the season for resolution-making.
i know i'm getting into resolution-making, goal-setting, vision-board creating mode. are you?
and, that's all well-and-good except for that fact that despite our best intentions, when all is said and done just a measly 8% of us attain the resolutions we set for ourselves each year (
that's kinda sad, isn't it?
here are a few other resolution facts for ya from
75% of us can maintain our resolution through the first week. yippee!! off to a good start.
64% of us manage to stick with our goals for one month. we're hanging in there...
but, less than half are still on track after 6 months.
so, what does that mean?
it means that a lot of well intentioned, focused people are giving up on their dreams! and i hate to see that.
to help you reach your business dreams in 2015, i've developed a 5 step plan that'll help you identity, quantify and achieve your biz goals for the new year.
first, check out the vid below & then download this worksheet to help you on your way!

what's one of your business dreams for 2015?

share it in the comments below or tweet it out here.


click here to watch the video on youtube & subscribe to Cailen Ascher TV.

Find YOUR Word for 2015

if you had to pick one word for this upcoming year, what would it be?
what do you want your life+biz to embody in 2015?
would it be...
at the start of the year, i always like to take time to paint a vision for the next 12 months. something that i can feel, taste, embody and strive for.
then, as i move through my days, weeks and months, i have a touchstone to come back to. something to check in with and see if i'm truly on track with the dreams & visions i hold for myself.
this year, i invite you to challenge yourself to define YOUR word for 2015. (often the first one that pops to mind is a great one to go with!)
once you have your word, you have your focus for your life and business. you have your direction, your lighthouse. just steer in that direction!
check out today's vid & then define YOUR word.

so, what's your word?

share it in the comments below or click here to tweet it out with the #oneword2015.

i'd LOVE to hear that your word is!


click here to watch the video on youtube & subscribe to Cailen Ascher TV.


20 things to let go of in the new year

when the new year arrives, we often hit-the-ground-running setting all kinds of goals and making resolutions that consequently pile more and more onto our already heaping plates.

we always think what we want to add to our lives to increase our health and happiness (take more yoga classes, spend more time with loved ones, read more books), we don't always consider those things in our lives which are no longer serving us and can be done away with (to make room for all the new, amazing things you want in your life)!

if you want to free yourself from all that crap that's holding you back from becoming your most authentic self, today's video is my gift to you.  and, once you watch it, i guarantee that you'll already begin to feel a weight being lifted from your shoulders -- even if you're not entirely aware of it now!

to that end, i want to read you an awesome list that i found on MindBodyGreen.  it outlines 20 things to LET GO OF for 2014.  this list totally resonated with every fiber of my being, so i knew i had to share it with you.

in the vid below, i share the 20 things you should let go of in 2014 to make room for unlimited happiness and potential in the new year.

enjoy & let go!


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