want to connect with more yoga students? ummmm....YES! (that's a silly question, right?) what teacher doesn't want to reach more students and serve more people through yoga?! yet, despite your desire to serve as many people as possible, are your class numbers still sadly low? let's get one thing straight: your numbers ARE NOT a reflection of the quality of your teaching. even the very best teachers in the world (tara stiles, sadie nardini, seane corn, shiva rea, or any other yoga goddess you admire) started small -- it's just how it goes.
so, the question is, how do you catapult your teaching to the next level, and start spreading your yoga message far and wide so that the right students find you?!
in this video, you'll learn 3 ways to connect with and draw in more yoga students. (hint: it's all about building community OUTSIDE of the classroom!)