calm yoga

yogi: yoga detox (video)

this video i made a while ago, but i think it's worth sharing again.  after the holidays, we often hit the new year full-steam, ready to change our lives for the better.  but before you throw yourself full-throttle into your new endeavors, it's nice to take some time to clear out the old.  and that's where a quick yoga detox practice comes in! hope this short sequence helps you clear the mind and detox the body!

for more yoga videos, check out my youtube channel!



biz: 4 creative ways to theme your yoga class

hi there fellow yogis!  if you're anything like me, i like to "theme" my yoga class plans around a topic that i think will engage my students and deepen their practice.  the only thing is, constantly coming up with inspired ideas can be challenging -- especially if you teach several classes a week.  the next time you're in need of some theme inspiration, consider one of these ideas around which you can sequence your class plan. 1. pick a poem -- theming around a poem that speaks to you is a great jumping off point.  one of my personal favorites is mary oliver -- her words are totally inspired and will instantly have you thinking about cool ways to weave them throughout your class.

2. use a quote -- i often rely on others' words to find my own.  i find that using a quote as the backbone of a class is reliable way to find broader themes that i wish to tie in.  (check out this quote bank that i've found useful.)

3. share a story -- look to your own life for ideas -- did you recently encounter a moment when your patience was on trial, were you the recipient of a stranger's gift of compassion, or did you marvel at the beauty of nature as you walked through the park?  share your experience -- your students love hearing about you, so don't be afraid to be yourself with them.

4. study the sutras -- the yoga sutras are the backbone of yoga philosophy.  as teachers, we are often exposed to them in our teacher training, but our students haven't always been privy to the wealth of wisdom they have to offer.  choose one sutra per class, break it down, and have them apply it to their practice.

have other theming ideas?  share them below or on my facebook page -- i'd love to hear them!



yogi: yoga photo shoot with m2

my husband was sweet enough to gift me with a fabulous yoga photo shoot with our wedding photographers (and good friends), michael & melissa -- a.k.a. m2 photography. we shot pics at the studio where i work (the solebury club) and also took some pics in our backyard and in the field across the street.  after the shoot, we all went out for mexican, margaritas and mojitos!

(you'd never know it, but in this first pic, i'm balancing on an upside-down bucket at the edge of a very, very busy road -- lol)

p.s. the last pic is mine : )




















