lifestyle maven

biz: do you compare yourself to other yoga teachers?

do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to other yoga teachers? ...why can't i sequence like her?  ...where does he get those theme ideas?  ...when will that many people show up to my class?!  ...i could never hold handstand in the center of the room!

if you suffer from occasional comparison syndrome, you're not alone -- we all do it from time to time.  in truth, a bit of healthy comparison is great -- you can get new ideas that can improve your own teaching.  but if you continue to compare yourself to others to the degree that it makes you feel less than or stalled in your efforts, you're only hurting yourself!

sometimes, i get stuck looking outward, noticing what everyone else is doing.  and you know what happens?  i stall out, get overwhelmed, and feel like i'll never "make it".  and, i know from personal experience that those moments do not better me or serve my students!  if i instead, direct all that energy that's expended feeling less than to bettering myself, my teaching, and my students, real change, and real improvements take place.

the next time you notice that you're comparing yourself to others in an unhealthy way, take a deep breath, celebrate their accomplishments (if they can do it, you can too!), and turn your eyes back to your own paper : )



biz: how to successfully market anything!

in this short 2 minute clip, i share an easy tip that will enable you to market ANYTHING -- whether it be your next yoga workshop, a one-on-one consulting package, or your services or products as a whole.  plus, this tip is so simple, you can start incorporating it into your marketing strategy starting right now!  

like this tip?  sign-up for my weekly FREE newsletter that shares tons of tips for crafting a lifestyle and business you're passionate about.

ready to take your yoga biz to the next level -- sign up for the yoga business summit to get access to tons of free resources for growing your biz and expanding you reach.



biz: how to build your tribe

i recently finished reading tribes by seth godin (thanks for the recommendation laura roeder!) -- and it has forever changed the way i think about business and my personal biz goals.  his premise is that we're all capable of becoming the leaders of our own "tribes" (i.e. a group that shares common interests and values), but the kicker is that many of don't step up to the plate and choose to lead.  that's right, seth says that leading is a choice, not something that you're elected/chosen/ordained to do. this concept is both empowering and terrifying because, as seth puts it, it's totally up to you whether you choose to follow your passion, pursue your dream, and lead or tribe...or not.

i highly, highly, highly recommend this book for anyone who is not totally fulfilled with their current lifestyle, for anyone who wants to make a difference, and for anyone who has a dream they've been putting off.  even if you're 99% content with your life, why not shoot for 100%, right?

it's a quick read -- only 150 pages or so, but it will change your life.  i promise.  and, once you read it, pop back here or visit me on facebook, and let me know what you thought of it.

