
business blunders: steps to take after you fall on your face

i had planned it to a "T".
the curriculum was outlined, the worksheets made, the timeline set, the marketing in place -- it was PERFECT!
and, then i let it fly...and it totally flopped.
the program that i thought was going to be a big hit was a total bomb. i was bummed.
how could something that i put so much time, effort and heart into totally tank?!
it happens to the best of us. we produce something we're super proud of and it's greeted by crickets.
and, when that happens, it's easy to beat ourselves up, think we're not good enough or that we'll never "make it".
but the truth is, the most successful people fail the most! they just keep getting up and trying again...and again...and again.
in today's CALM biz vid, i share the 3 steps you should take after a business blunder in order to regain your momentum and confidence.

i LOVE hearing from you!

in the comments, share a time when something you put a lot of time into flopped. what did you do? please share your insight so that we can learn from one another.

biz: 4 ways to build your confidence & resume as a yoga teacher

especially if you are new to teaching yoga, you can find yourself in a tough spot -- you want to teach and get experience, but in order to get a teaching job, you need to have experience!  it's your basic catch 22.  but, all is not lost, watch this short video below during which i share 4 tips that you can use to build your resume and boost your confidence as a yoga teacher -- so that you can land a great teaching job!

biz: it's all about confidence

do you know what the first step is toward making yoga your career?  are you thinking things like: "get insurance" or "figure out a teaching niche" or "contact yoga studios to see if they're hiring"?  no, no, and no. the first step toward making yoga your career is to decide to make yoga your career.  sound simple or even silly?  it's not.  when you decide something for yourself, it has profound ramifications.

ever hear the saying "thoughts are things"?  well it's true.  and when you decide to make yoga your career, you send out a powerful message that yoga will be your career.

when you decide that you want to teach -- and even make teaching your living -- you step into your power by deciding your destiny.  once you decide to make yoga your career, and someone asks "what do you do?" the answer is simple: "i teach yoga."  there's no hemming and hawing, no caveats or qualifications.  there's just you standing in your truth.  you are a yoga teacher -- whether you teach 1 class or 10, whether you have no private clients or a waitlist.

once you embrace your chosen path -- the path of teaching -- doors will open.  people will appear in your life that will help you achieve your dreams.  and your ideal students will find you.  but the first step is to find the confidence and inner strength to boldly state your desire -- and then go out and live it!
