in case you didn't catch it live, i wanted to share my discover your niche workshop replay.
during this 50 min webinar, i cover:
- should you even have a niche
- why a niche is beneficial
- how to go about finding your niche
- common niche-related fears (and why they’re totally bogus!)
- and more!
so, set aside some uninterrupted time, grab a pen & paper, and enjoy!
do you want to be a change-maker in the yoga industry? (i know that's a silly question -- you wouldn't be here if you didn't!)
well, in order to rock the world with your yoga message, you first need to have a plan in place that can carry you all the way. and a crucial part of that plan is a strong online presence.
if you truly want to change the world for the better through yoga, this webinar is my gift to you :-)
during this webinar, you'll learn...
my two-prong marketing approach that will position you to make a splash in your industry
why you need to think about where your ideal clients “hang out”
why talking about yourself is a GOOD thing
the importance of an online “hub”, and how to establish one
and much, much more!
so, go grab a notepad and pen, and get ready to learn some great ways to establish a solid, sustainable, and successful yoga career!
unfortunately, the giveaway at the end of the webinar was only for LIVE attendees. but, if you're interested in chatting about your yoga biz or working one-on-one via email, check out my coaching packages here.