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biz q&a: i have no time! -- how do i build my new business?

i have no time!  how do i build my new business?

i get asked various versions of this question a lot, so i thought it was about time that i address it on the blog.

first off, this is an issue that soooo many entrepreneurs face, especially when first starting out.  so, don't think you're alone!  trying to balance a full-time job AND a new biz AND teaching yoga AND having some semblance of a life can seem like a no-win situation.

yoga work image

but, you needn't get down on yourself for not being able to devote endless hours to your business -- instead, decide how much time you can comfortably commit to focusing on your new venture – even if it’s only 2-3 hours on Saturday mornings, and (here's the kicker) be OK with that.

when we beat ourselves up for "not doing enough”, we get ourselves totally stressed out and are much less productive.  so, instead of thinking you're somehow "failing" by not working on your new business 24/7 make the best possible use of the time you do have available.

how do you make the best use of your time?

first -- sit down, and write out your goals for your biz for over the next 12 months (i.e. get a website set-up, start a newsletter, get 5 new clients, etc.).

second -- break those down month by month.

third -- now that you have an outline of what you're hoping to accomplish each month, use that as a guide to figure out what you need to work on, research, or look into during your dedicated biz time each and every week.

(also, you might wanna check out this video: the actual time it takes to start a yoga biz for more strategies & advice :-)

a big part of "turning pro" is simply making your biz a priority (something amateurs don’t do!) – even if that means only during a few hours a week.  then, as you begin to see some gains in your biz, you can decide if you can begin to back away from your full-time work, or rework your schedule to make more time for your growing business.

the most important thing is to not be too hard on yourself, and feel like you’re not doing enough.  pros KNOW that they need down-time in order to bring their best selves when they are working/playing/creating.


have you read steven pressfield’s book turning pro?  i did a video review of it, and the info he shares will totally rock your world (and business)!


i want to hear from you!   how many hours per week do you set aside for your yoga biz?



biz q&a: how to grow your yoga biz when life throws you a curve ball

i got an email from a reader named lisa asking for some advice about how to keep moving forward with her yoga business after life threw her a curve ball -- in her case a baby!!  and, i though i'd address her question in a video so that you could hear my advice, too :-)

if you're working hard to transform your yoga teaching into a career, but feel like life keeps getting in the way, this video is for you!

in it i share how you can keep moving forward with your biz -- even when responsibilities, obligations, life changes, and babies arise.  AND, even if you only have a few hours a week to dedicate to your business.

check out this video to learn...

(1) how to compartmentalize your biz to streamline your schedule

(2) how to reverse engineer your year

(3) why BIG goals are more important than the daily grind

have you signed up for my F-R-E-E yoga biz training yet?  it starts september 4th!!!